
New Media Lab General Meeting

Join us Thursday, December 7 from 12:30 until 2:00 in the lab (room 7388.01) for presentations by Jeffrey Binder and Teresa Ober on their projects:
Reading with Emotion in the Eighteenth Century
Jeffrey Binder, English

This project looks at how the “passions and humours” are represented in eighteenth-century elocution manuals—a genre of text that provides an important document of the way people understood the performance of emotion in this period. Its primary focus is on the 1761 book The Art of Speaking by James Burgh, an influential text that uses a sophisticated visual representation to tell students how to express emotion while delivering a speech.  Jeffrey is producing an online edition of this text that reproduces the full system of annotations.
Digital Pedagogical Tool for Teaching Research Methods
Teresa Ober, Educational Psychology

This project aims to develop a computer application currently named “Manuscript Builder” to be used for teaching students how to design sound research outlines. Ultimately, the project’s mission is to promote knowledge of sound research methodology in psychology and the social sciences. The computer application may be used as an instructional resource across a variety of courses, including but not limited to courses in research methods in psychology, statistics, and the behavioral and social sciences more broadly speaking.


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