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Teaching and Learning Center

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Fwd: Workshops from Carnegie Ed Tech Fellows, GCDI, and TLC– Week of March 22

  • Begin forwarded message:
    > From: “Waltzer, Luke” <>
    > Subject: Workshops from Carnegie Ed Tech Fellows, GCDI, and TLC– Week of March 22
    > Date: March 17, 2021 at 1:06:45 PM EDT
    > To: Executive Officers <>, Assistant Program Officers <>, Co-Chair for Communications <>
    > Cc: “Gold, Matthew” <>, “Rhody, Lisa” <>
    > Dear Colleagues,
    > Please see the workshops offered next week (March 22-26th) from the Carnegie Educational Technology Fellows (CETF), Teaching and Learning Center (TLC), and the Graduate Center Digital Initiatives (GCDI).
    > Best,
    > Luke, Matt, and Lisa
    > —
    > Luke Waltzer, Ph.D.
    > Director, The Teaching and Learning Center
    > The Graduate Center, CUNY
    > 365 Fifth Avenue, Room 3300.19
    > New York, NY 10016
    > (
    > Matthew K. Gold, Ph.D.
    > Director, M.A. Program in Digital Humanities & M.S. Program in Data Analysis and Visualization /
    > Associate Professor of English & Digital Humanities /
    > Advisor to the Provost for Digital Initiatives, CUNY Graduate Center
    > ( | @mkgold
    > pronouns: he/him/his
    > Lisa Marie Rhody, Ph.D.
    > Deputy Director of Digital Initiatives
    > Director, Digital Humanities Research Institute
    > Director, Digital Fellowship Programs
    > Affiliated Faculty, Masters in Digital Humanities, Data Analysis & Visualization,
    > Liberal Studies, and Interactive Technology and Pedagogy Certificate
    > The Graduate Center, CUNY
    > 365 Fifth Ave., Room 3300.01
    > New York, NY 10016
    > <> | @lmrhody | she/her
    > —————————————————————————————
    > Teaching Labs and Pandemic STEM Teaching (
    > Monday, March 22, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
    > TLC Workshop with Atasi Das, Dr. Diane Banks, and LaToya Anderson
    > COVID-19 has significantly altered the way we live, teach, and learn. For those of us in STEM fields, this has often meant developing creative approaches to teaching labs effectively under socially distanced circumstances. You may be spending lots of time trying to develop effective teaching aids, including lecture sheets, adjusting your approaches from direct use of instrumentation and other tactile activities, or incorporating the use of lab simulation software.
    > Join Dr. Diane P. Banks, Assistant Professor of Biological Science at Bronx Community College, LaToya Anderson, Environmental Educator with the Department of Environmental Protection and STEM Academy instructor at Brooklyn College, and Atasi Das, TLC Fellow for this workshop that will focus on developing pedagogical strategies that can support lecture/lab instruction in an online context. We will explore ways to increase opportunities for student feedback that foster students’ understanding, and consider ways to effectively engage students across lecture and lab. You will also have an opportunity to engage in a collaborative discussion of digital tools that stand in for the hands-on element of STEM classes.
    > To register, visit (
    > —————————————————————————————
    > Intro to Text Analysis in R
    > (, March 22th, 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
    > GCDI Workshop with Connor French
    > Working with text is an important component in many academic and industrial contexts. Whether your aim is to understand public reactions to the latest political event on Twitter, determine the appropriate target demographic with your product, or analyze DNA sequences, manipulating and restructuring text is a fundamental task. Fortunately, recent developments in the R programming environment have made many of these tasks more intuitive. The tidytext package, a new addition to the tidyverse collection of packages, provides an intuitive interface for manipulating text data. Using the tidytext package, you will learn how to take unstructured song lyrics, wrangle them into a “tidy” format for analysis, and perform a basic sentiment analysis with the data. The focus of this workshop will be on how to manipulate text data into a format ready for analysis, regardless of the software you wish to perform the analysis in (although R has some strong capabilities in this area too). This is an intermediate-level workshop, where we expect participants to be familiar with R and the tidyverse, including pipes (%>%) and the dplyr functions select(), filter(), mutate(), group_by(), and summarize().
    > To register, visit ( (fully subscribed, but with active waitlist)
    > —————————————————————————————
    > Digital Ethnography: Finding and Working with Online Data
    > (, March 25th, 12:00pm – 1:30pm
    > CETL Workshop with Agustina Checa and Miryam Nacimento
    > This workshop builds from the theoretical considerations explored in the first workshop of the Digital Ethnography series. It provides an overview of practices and digital tools for retrieving different sets of data from online social worlds and explores more pragmatic considerations such as how to store this information and how to incorporate practices of digital ethnography into IRB protocols. Participants will learn from the projects of researchers at the GC who are applying practices of social media scraping and digital ethnography in their work.
    > Register for the workshop here: (
    > —————————————————————————————
    > Introduction to Data Analysis with Python (
    > Thursday, March 25th, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
    > GCDI Workshop with Rafael Davis Portela
    > In this hands-on workshop, we will learn the basics of data exploration, analysis and visualization with Python. We will introduce and work with the Pandas library and Jupyter Notebook, tools that have become the standard for data analysis with Python. Some introductory Python knowledge is necessary, since we will not have time to go over the basics during the workshop. But do not let that scare you. If you take our online Introduction to Python workshop ( ( ) before coming to this one, you will be fine. This workshop will be held online with Zoom.
    > To register, visit ( (fully subscribed, but with active waitlist)

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