Public Group active 6 years, 7 months ago

Software, Globalization and Political Action

This interdisciplinary seminar will explore concepts and methods from both critical theory and software studies. It is taught by Prof. Susan Buck-Morss (Political Science), and Prof. Lev Manovich (Computer Science).


Sawbaum – Vine montage tool that came out of Rhizome’s Seven on Seven conference

  • Bringing montage to another level, this nifty tool that came out of Rhizome’s Seven on Seven conference this past Saturday let’s you “paint with video” by embedding Vines as compositional elements. Check some out or make your own, the montage possibilities are fairly striking.

    From Rhizome:
    “Before we all had smartphones, the awkward, accidental cut was a staple of home video. By stopping and starting the camera strategically, one could create fake eyeline matches and hugely inappropriate juxtapositions of tone. It was Vine that re-introduced montage to the lexicon of home video. Where the smartphone camera generally creates a separate clip for each shot, Vine allows users to piece together their six-second videos from short fragments, the way moving image is supposed to be.

    In their collaboration, Avi Flombaum and Hannah Sawtell took this collage-esque logic a step further, not just assembling video fragments in time (through editing) but in the space of a web page as well. Their tool, Sawbaum, allows users to create pages out of many Vines, butted up against one another in what Lev Manovich would call a spatial montage (as opposed to temporal montage of video editing).

    Sawtell said she liked these sharp juxtapositoins the best, but the tool is intended not just for spatial montage, but for what Avi described as “painting with video,” using layers and transparency to blend multiple sources together in fluid compositions.”

    Already been written up on Yahoo

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