Public Group active 1 year, 6 months ago

Library / Blackboard Integration

Librarians and Blackboard Administrators who are working to facilitate, study, and assess possibilities for library integration with Blackboard.


Blackboard Pilot Assessment

  • What do you hope to learn from a pilot program? (practical / big picture)

    If you’ve embedded or used Blackboard before, what do you expect to get out of this experience?

    What are your expectations for this project at the local level (your own library / campus)? Where do you think this project will lead / where do you hope it will lead?

    How can you determine whether a Library / Blackboard integration initiative is successful?

    What should you measure? What assessment models make sense?

    If you are planning to use the content collection and / or create modules, what kind of quantitative / statistical data could you gather to figure out how successful these kinds of integration are?

    What are strategies to measure student learning? Or increased Information Literacy? (quantitative v. qualitative)

    How can you adapt existing assessments to this platform?

    Has anyone successfully worked with faculty to outline learning objectives and develop assessment tools? What did these tools measure?

    How will the assessment data you gather enhance / inform future initiatives?

    How can you (potentially) use assessment data to mitigate challenges related to scalability / workflow?

    How can you (potentially) use assessment data to increase institutional / departmental buy-in?

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