Public Group active 19 hours, 43 minutes ago

LACUNY Scholarly Communications Roundtable

Online forum for discussing LACUNY Scholarly Communications Roundtable programming and other scholcomm issues.

Co-chairs, 2024-25: Monica Berger (City Tech) & Jill Cirasella (Graduate Center)
Logo image by Thomas Frank:


New Title for Merged Blog – We Need Your Help

  • Following up on our discussion at the last SCRT meeting, we are looking into merging these 2 blogs on the Commons into one blog: Open Access@CUNY Open Educational Resources @ CUNY

    We would like to gather suggestions for a new title for the merged blog. The blog will cover Open Access, Open Data, Open Educational Resources, and should be “open” enough include related topics in the future.

    Here are some titles to get you thinking:

    Libre CUNY
    Open Everything
    Open Scholarship and Teaching

    Post your title nominations here so subscribers can Comment. [ In case you are wondering why we don’t just choose “Open CUNY”, it’s because that already exists: ]

    Thanks for sending in your creative ideas!

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  • Thank you for starting this thread! I think we can name it Open CUNY, if we have some conversations with our graduate student colleagues. I’d be happy to have this conversation, especially since I hope to use this as a hashtag for a campaign I’m developing with Central Communications.

    Are there still plans to establish a working group to conceive a plan for the newly imagined blog?

    I like Open CUNY, too, because it is short and clean and leaves room for all “open” possibilities. However, I have concerns about calling this Open CUNY, given the embattled history of CUNY around open admissions. If the hash tag goes viral, finds its way onto a subway ad (we should be so lucky!), it might be evocative for some people is unintended ways.

    Open Scholarship and Teaching sounds very clear, if not as fresh as Open CUNY.


    I lean towards Beth’s suggestion. I’m really not sure how many would associate Open CUNY with open admissions but better not to take a chance. Open@CUNY would be the same difference as well, right?

    Open@CUNY seems a bit more nuanced to me and may preserve the objective of keeping it simple.

    From: CUNY Academic Commons [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2016 9:01 AM
    To: Maureen Richards <[email protected]>
    Subject: Monica Berger replied to the topic New Title for Merged Blog – We Need Your Help in the forum LACUNY Scholarly Communications Roundtable [CUNY Academic Commons]

    Open Cuny is the name of a GC Group on the Commons.

    Open@CUNY is part of the name of the Group, Open Access Publishing Network @ CUNY (OaPN @ CUNY)

    I am leaning toward “Open Scholarship & Teaching”.

    Here is another variation: “Open Scholarship & OERs”

    “Open Scholarship & OERs” is pretty pithy and very clear!

    Might be better as: “Open Scholarship & OER”

    Beth raises an interesting point! There are many different uses of the term ‘open’ and even ‘open access’ at CUNY, and I do wonder how things are conflated.

    What about a very broad title? I love how clear ‘Open Scholarship & OER’ is. However, since we’re expanding beyond the term open access now, I suspect we may want to expand beyond open scholarship and oers in the future — to open data, open source software, open something-we-haven’t-conceived-of-yet. A group of scholcomm folks recently established a blog called ‘In the Open,’ and while we can’t use that title, I know we can come up with something good.

    Are there still plans for a subcommittee to develop a communications plan? It might be helpful to think about focus and frequency of postings when choosing a name.

    Suggestion for a very broad title: “Openings”

    Our Group will need a sub-committee to develop guidelines and design the merged blog. Right now, we are looking into merging the content on one blog site on the Commons that we can work on. A request was submitted to the Commons support folks for advice and help.

    Thanks, Madeline!

    Liz, I love your suggestion! I can’t help but think of happenings…

Viewing 11 replies - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

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