Public Group active 1 year, 3 months ago

Internet Research Team

The Internet Research Team is a student-led group of scholars interested in exploring, discussing, and using online and digital research methods. The group also includes faculty and staff and meets regularly throughout the year. We invite people of all levels of technical skills who are conducting or have an interest in online and digital research to join the group here on the Commons and attend the meetings.

For more information, please contact us at

Edwin Mayorga & Micki Kaufman, Coordinators
Collette Sosnowy, PhD & Kiersten Greene, PhD, Founders



  • Digital Qualitative Social Sciences Research Assistant Needed for Fall

    This job posting is from my colleague Alice Marwick. She does amazing work.

    I’m looking for a research assistant to help me with ongoing academic projects and some fall substitute teaching while I’m traveling. I’m working on a new major project around online sexist hate speech and misogyny. The RA would do some literature reviews, online data collection/coding, help schedule interviews, paperwork, possibly accompany me to interviews, etc. I am traveling a ton in the fall and teaching two internet-related undergraduate classes, so the ideal candidate could also cover those classes for me while I’m out of town. (Classes are 9/16, 10/24, 10/28, 11/21 in the morning at the Rose Hill campus in the Bronx).

    ME: Assistant professor at Fordham University in Communication and Media Studies. My work looks at the impact of the internet on identity, self-presentation, and social interaction. More:

    YOU: Should be a PhD student in Communications, Media Studies, Information Studies or similar with a solid interest in internet studies. I prefer someone who leans more towards the qualitative social science side than the quant or humanities side, but am flexible. Interest in gender studies a big plus. MUST BE in the greater NYC area.

    DETAILS: $18 an hour pre-tax. I currently have funding for 80 hours, possibly more to come. I would like the candidate to start late summer and continue into the fall. Work will be billed hourly.

    Most work will be done remotely aside from the substitute teaching. Fordham’s campus is in the Bronx; it’s a schlep up to Rose Hill but not too bad on Metro-North. If we need to meet in person, it will be somewhere in Manhattan since I live downtown.

    Unfortunately, Fordham requires a drug test and background check. There’s nothing I can do about this, so if you’re not comfortable with such, please do not apply.

    Please send CV and writing sample (preferably a literature review or a journal-length article with a lit review) to Put “research assistant” in the subject line.

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