Public Group active 11 months, 2 weeks ago

CUNY Women in STEM

CUNY Women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) is a transdisciplinary group open to the CUNY community. We aim to link-up STEM oriented campus-based groups and create a virtual hub that encourages both across campus interactions, and new connections to outside entities interested in the advancement of women in STEM.


  • STEM Online Colloquium

    I’m excited to find this group on the Academic Commons. I would like to invite you all to a colloquium to be held at the Borough of Manhattan Community College’s new Fiterman Hall on Friday, Sept. 19, 2014. We will have several special guests from the Sloan Consortium and universities in Canada and Colorado present to discuss virtual labs, simulations, and hybrid course technologies.

    We would love to have you. I will advertize the event on the Commons and send you the agenda once it has been formalized. It will be a great opportunity to meet other STEM online faculty from a variety of institutions from within and outside of CUNY! Please tell your colleagues.
    Janey Flanagan

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