Public Group active 3 months, 1 week ago

CUNY Accessibility Projects

This group is for anyone involved with or interested in the use of assistive technologies and / or universal design in education. Information about the CUNY wide efforts to make all programs and services accessible to all will be posted by campus assistive technology staff, the CUNY Assistive Technology Services Project (CATS), the Media Accessibility Project and the Learning Disabilities Project.

Techie or not, you are welcome to join and contribute or you can join and tune into the conversation.


5th Annual CUNY Accessibility Conference

  • The COSDI Accessibility Conference Coordinating Committee is pleased to formally announce that the 5th Annual Accessibility Conference will be held on April 25th, 2014 at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City. The Annual Conference will bring together CUNY professionals and others in the fields of higher education and disability to share information, network and receive training that will enhance their knowledge and skills to help provide access to higher education by students with disabilities.

    Purpose: This annual conference is intended to bring together CUNY professionals and other interested parties in the fields of higher education and disability services to share information, network, and receive theoretical and practical training in topics supporting access to higher education by students with disabilities.

    Conference Objectives:

    ~ Explore new trends within the field of disability services in higher education
    ~ Create strategies for developing the skills necessary for effective accommodations, trainings, communication, and advocacy
    ~ Examine innovative approaches that facilitate collaboration and mentorship
    ~ Examine best practices that support and refine the role of disability service providers
    ~ Encourage professionals to engage in self-reflection and develop a personal action plan for becoming transformational leaders in field of disabilities through self-education

    Categories of Concurrent Presentations and Poster Sessions:

    Assistive technology updates
    Online course accessibility @CUNY
    Disability services / faculty collaboration
    Leadership training for students with disabilities
    Implications of the DSM-5 changes
    Working with students on the spectrum—program models
    Teaching math and science to blind and low-vision college students
    Legal developments in the field of disability services
    Social media and students with disabilities

    To register and find out more please visit:

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  • Keynote and presentation agenda have been announced!!

    Presentation topics and speakers will include:

    Confirmed as Conference Keynote Speaker is Mr. Brian Cohen, Associate Vice-Chancellor for Technology and Chief Information Officer of CUNY. (

    Luncheon keynote address to be delivered by Mr. Eric Stoller. Mr. Stoller is a nationally renowned higher education thought-leader, consultant, writer, and speaker. (

    Concurrent sessions will include:

    Accommodations for Deaf Students; Getting the Biggest Bang for Your Buck; Howard Hines, University Coordinator, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services

    Actively Navigating the Transition into College: Narratives of Students with Learning Disabilities David J. Connor Professor, School of Education: Hunter College

    Assistive Technology Overview Shivan Mahabir; Assistive Technology Specialist, CATS Staff, CUNY Assistive Technology Project,

    Designing and Captioning Accessible On-line Courses at CUNY; Carlos Herrera, Queensborough Community College, Christopher Leydon, Antonia Levy, CUNY School of Professional Studies

    Empowering Individuals with Disabilities for College Inclusion through Innovative Mentorships and Technologies Dr. James P. Lawler Professor of Technology Pace University

    File Drawers to File Folders: Transitioning disAbility Services from Paper to Paperless;

    Patricia Clarke Fleming, LMHC: Director, disAbility Services Bronx Community College Co-Presenter Laura Schwartz, LMSW, Columbia University

    From Combat to Campus: Easing the Transition for Veterans with Service-Related Disabilities Deborah Greenstein, CUNY LEADS Advisor Bronx Community College

    The Journey from Advocacy to Activism; Matthew Weiler, Program Director; Evan Yankey, NYC Regional Coordinator SANYS AHRC Melissa Riggio Higher Ed Prog. @ CSI, KBCC

    Use of Social Media in Job Placement & Development for Students with Disabilities Christopher Kempski Professor, Hunter College Researcher & Author. Co-Presenter Maria Suprun

    Please register today for this important event; click below to register.

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