Public Group active 2 years, 2 months ago

Anthropology and Technology Research Group

The Research Group is currently organized as a reading and discussion group.

We meet weekly to discuss readings on anthropology and technology. Our focus is around cyberspace, data, virtual worlds, and social media as well as computing, information and biological technologies. The group also works to assist members with issues around IRB approval for internet, virtual world and technology related research projects, as well as other challenges arising from members research.

For the spring 2013 semester we are meeting Monday evenings, 18:00 (6 pm) at Hunter College for 1 to 1.5 hours. Reading lists and materials are shared on our blog and by email on or before Wednesday of the week prior. Please contact @omanreagan if you are interested in joining or attending a meeting. Interdisciplinary social scientists, humanities scholars and others with interests in technology are welcome.

The group was founded by three graduate students at Hunter College who are doing ethnographic fieldwork and writing cultural anthropology theses on issues of technology.


  • Software for building online courses

    Hello, I\'m wondering if anyone can recommend (or has heard of) software for building courses that can be distributed and accessed online? My priorities are ease-of-use (building short, independent models nested within a course), functionality (able to embed video-clips), and ease of distribution.

    Many thanks!


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