My review of International Relations in terms of War.

International Relations in terms of War

“Whoever has an army has power, and war decides everything.”― Mao Tse Tung. This quote is very obvious when it comes to war and power every state wants somehow to have power to be able to protect themselves. What is the state? Nation, land, territory centralized by one government. For example, the states have territory, rulers, population, military, allies, language, religion, laws, money, culture and others. The most important things about the states are:
  1.  Territory– most states fight over control of land because the states are not coming to an agreement or there is no way the states can share the territory together.
  2.  Population– if the state has a low population is easy for another state to take their land. Meaning if there not enough people for the military is going to be bad for the state to be protected.
  3. Military– if the state has a big military and good tools like weapons, bombs, and others, that will be a good advantage to protect themselves and the people in the state.
  4. Money– when the states are not good in terms of being wealthy it will be hard for them to be protected because they don’t have tools that will be good enough to go to war.
The importance of International Relations in terms of war is that all the states are mostly competing for power. ANARCHY is very connected to these kinds of problems; an absence of a central authority bring chaos to the state and the society because there will be people who will be volunteering to take the place of the government, and this is the purpose of anarchism they don’t want anyone ruling the state and putting authority to the state. 


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