Incorporating strategies to improve reading comprehension in Early Childhood programs with ELL Children



Reading comprehension is one of the most difficult skills to master in school. Students who struggle with comprehension skills will most often encounter challenges in other subject areas such as math, social studies, and science. Comprehension difficulties is most prevalent in English Language Learners (ELL) this can increase the risk of reading disabilities as students get older. There are many strategies that have been incorporated in the classroom to help ELL students with comprehension.



As educators it is essential to keep in mind the tools available to help ELL students who struggle with comprehension. Among the tools available one of the most important is motivation. Research clearly indicates that motivation play a central role in literacy development”(Marinak, Malloy &Mazzoni, 2015, p.51) In the early years motivation is at its peak. However, as children move up in grades motivation seems to decline. A factor in the decline of reading motivation can be attributed to an individuals confidence and school experience. Gunthrie, Tonks & Perencevich (2004, p.299) “children’s motivation is influenced strongly by the kinds of experiences they have in school” Therefore, fostering motivation in the early years with text of interest and engaging reading activities can empower students motivation in the years to come.





Graphic organizers

High Frequency words

Partner reading

Phonological Awareness

  • Rhyme











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