Juan Luis Rodriguez

Biology major

Freshman in the City College of New York.


I have never been the type to like reading or writing since a kid. I was always the kid who preferred playing games outside that included physical activities instead of patiently sitting down to write or read something. The kind of writer I am is the one who sits down and tries to write about whatever I was asked for as fast as possible (for instance, as I am writing this) since it is not the most exciting task to do in the world for me. I recall that when I was a kid when it was time for me to read something, I would hesitate to not do so and ultimately resist because I always preferred moving and focusing on the activity, rather than sitting down and focusing on something that did not call my attention. However, throughout my academic years I have learned to develop a liking to writing, and that is when I am writing about something I am interested about. I began to enjoy the research process of writing since I liked learning more about whatever subject I was writing about. Furthermore, the actual writing process naturally became more enjoyable since I was able to articulate in my own words what I learned about in the research. This led to me focusing more on my writing and how well I was able to express myself to convey a certain idea about something I was interested in. Moving on, as far as my writing habits, I do not really have any habits that I follow. For instance, I can write wherever it is necessary for me to write, I write usually in my house while I am comfortable but I can also write on the train, in school, the bus, and more places. When it comes to the timing of when I write, this is where I have a habit. I usually write after working out since after a workout there is more blood flowing through your brain which actually energizes your brain and leads to have clearer and more accurate thoughts. If I don’t write in the night after a workout then I will be writing in the morning after waking up to also have a clearer mind. The reason why I write in general is because I was either asked to do so or I am really interested in a topic and I would like to do express what I have learned in my own words and also to articulate my own opinions about the topic in hand. However, Throughout the course ENGL 21003 I have learned a lot when it comes to literature, responsability and what it means to really focus on an objective or task. In this writing class I have learned so much from the different advices I have gotten from piers and the proffessor. From all of the writing assignments that I completed for this class I have learned a lot about the way I write and analyze. For instance, for my technical description that I was asked to write for my class, I was never asked to think about the audience that was receiving my information. In this class for all the papers that I wrote I was asked to think about who was going to be the audience, this alone changed the way I was writing my papers since I was trying to write from a whole different perspective and angle to connect with the corresponding audience that was receiving the information. For example, my technical description was based on how the digestion process works in humans. I was asked to think about the audience of this paper, and being the first time I was asked to do so made it difficult for me to evaluate that. However, by focusing on who the right audience would be(which were college students and researchers) I was able to write from a different perspective and try to give the right level of information while using the appropiate vocabulary for the audience. Another assignment that made me grow as a writer was the scientific rhetorical analysis. In this assignment I was asked to analyze a topic, explain it, while using scholar evidence to back it up. Not only did I learn a lot from the topic that I analyzed, but because I had to explain most things with my own words I was able to enhance my writing using science vocabulary. Also, the assignment made me better at explaining the prompt or main idea of any topic. Furthermore, the assignment that I learned the most from but also made the most mistakes was the scientific controversy. This assignment was tricky since it made was discuss a dilemma of any topic that was going on in the science world. My paper was on global warming and whether it was real or not. However, my aim was to explain whether it was real or not, not if people perceived it to be real or not. This threw my entire paper off but I was able to learn from it so that next time I have an aim for a paper I actually tackle it head on. With this paper my paraphrasing abilities also got better since I had a lot of sources as evidence but I also had to explain a lot of the high vocabulary material in my own words. The last assignment That I completed for this writing course was the collaborative group project. For most people it was the hardest one since they had to work in groups, however, for me group projects are not a problem as long as everyone is doing their part of the job. My group was able to equally divide the jobs we all had which made it really easy for the assignment to get completed. As far as the oral presentation goes there were some issues but they were handled on the spot which in my opinion showed my group’s versatility and improvising skills. During the presentation one of the group members had a panic attack but, again, the group handled it the right way. Also, the oral presentation definitely made my presenting skills better which is something I want to thank this writing course for. Reflecting on my time spent on this course I have learned a lot as stated before in this text. One of the most important things I think I have learned in this class was directly taught to me by the course professor Jane Bolster, she told me that the biggest room in the world is the room for improvement. I remember her saying this to the class and sticking with me for a very long time. This applies to school and my personal life since it is indeed a great reminder to always have.