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    Josery Compres posted an update

    In this week we learned about execution during the Victorian time. They were executing people if they committed any crime. But later on, there was a law created which consist in that the only way people would be executed only if they murder someone, and children could not be executed (I am not sure if children would be executed if they kill…[Read more]

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    Josery Compres posted an update

    Last week we learned about different crimes that happened during Victorian time. At that time was really bad to be a prostitute. There were several murders and the police was looking for the murder. For example, “Illustrated Police News, November 17, 1888” is about a woman who was considered a prostitute and she was kill. The author focused a lot…[Read more]

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    Josery Compres posted an update

    To evolve. At that time the newspaper was invented, a law was also created that children obtained the right to study. The children were working in factories, which was a very bad thing for them, because these types of jobs are for adults. A child does not have the same strength as an adult, because children have a very small body compared to that…[Read more]

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    Josery Compres posted an update

    Last week we learned about what Tau Battice does. He is a photographer. He takes really good photos of different people from different countries and nationalities. Every picture he takes has a story. He travels around the world and he learns and meets people. Most of the time he took pictures of Black people, but he takes pictures of white people…[Read more]

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