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    John Cherry replied to the topic Research Project Writing Day 4

    http://www.newsweek.com/human-genome-editing-crispr-454315 – Talks about if we have genetic diversity there are major decisions that will have to be taken into account. What happens if gene editing doesnt come out exactly how you want? Also the need to maintain diversity within…[Read more]

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    John Cherry replied to the topic Research Project Writing Day 2

    The assignments I have completed so far is the summary of a person which was about Alexanders road to a military commander. The next assignment which was the summary of a concept which was Fate vs Free Will, and after that the literature review which was about how accurate data is. Following this, the second literature review which was about women…[Read more]

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    John Cherry replied to the topic Research Project Writing Day 3

    My argument is that while technology has benefited us, it is causing us more harm than good. I will support my argument by talking about how social media affects human behavior by making us more distant. Also the loss of habitat of animals and nuclear weapons will be used. I will also talk about artificial intelligence and how that can be used to…[Read more]

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    John Cherry replied to the topic Literature Review #2

    John’s writer’s memo.

    My plans for the next assignment is to stay with my same style and pick a topic I’m interested in, a philosophical one. The main topic I am going to see if I can write about is if there is something that defines someone as truly good or evil. Hopefully by researching this ill be able to learn more about myself and come to a…[Read more]

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    John Cherry replied to the topic Literature Review #1

    Thesis –

    Coulter states that immigration is the main cause of environmental destruction, but she fails to realize that you can’t blame them solely because there are many other causes for the destruction of the environment.

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    John Cherry replied to the topic Summary of a concept

    John, Geri

    There are many concepts that are used to help people in their daily life. SWOT Analysis, which stands for “Strenghts, Weaknesses, opportunities, and threats”  is one of those concepts. The origin of the concept is unknown but is mostly used in the business world. Although mostly used in the business world, regular people can benefit…[Read more]

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    John Cherry started the topic John's Summary of a person

    The Great Commander

    A renowned philosopher once said, “You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor”. This philosopher was Aristotle, one of the teachers of the man who become recognized as one of the greatest military commanders of all time, Alexander The Great. Through Ale…[Read more]

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    John Cherry became a registered member