Jason Matthew Buchanan

Assistant Professor of English

Jason Matthew Buchanan is an Assistant Professor in the English Department. He has taught classes on composition, literature, theatre, film, and popular culture.



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Academic Interests

Interests include postcolonial studies, contemporary Irish literature, gentrification, urban studies, popular culture, contemporary theory, and professional wrestling. 


Purdue University, Ph.D. 2011Purdue University, M.A. 2006Marquette University, B.A. 2004


“Like a Scattering from a Fixed Point: Austerity Fiction and the Inequalities of Elsewhere.” Studi Irlandesi: A Journal of Irish Studies, vol. 9, 2019, pp. 179-201.

“Ruined Futures: Gentrification as Famine in Post-Celtic Tiger Irish Literature.” Modern Fiction Studies, vol. 63. no. 1, 2017, pp. 50-72.     

“Traveled Eyes: The Global Politics of Proximity in Midnight’s Children.” Globalism

from Below. Spec. issue of Studies in the Humanities, vols. 39&40, pp. 2014, 1-30.

“The Home of the Tiger: Economic Speculation and the Ethics of Habitation.” Studi Irlandesi: A Journal of Irish Studies 3, 2013, pp. 137-56.

“A Speculative Ireland: Risk and the Everyday in the Fiction of Hugo Hamilton.” Internationalist Review of Irish Culture 2, 2010, pp. 66-81.

“Living at the End of the Irish Century: Globalization and Identity in Declan Hughes’s

Shiver.” Modern Drama 52, 2009, pp. 300-24.

Book Chapters

“24/7 Newsleep.” 1984 and Philosophy: Is Resistance Futile?, edited by Ezio Di Nucci and Stefan Storrie, Open Court, 2018, pp. 95-104.

“Million Dollar Views: Cognitive Gentrification in Post-9/11 New York.” The City After 9/11, edited by Keith Wilhite, Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 2016, pp. 41-57.

“That’s the Twentieth-Century Spirit”: Futurama and an Economy of Trash.” Futurama and Philosophy, edited by Courtland D. Lewis and Shaun P. Young, Open Court, 2013. pp. 23-31.

“Political Androgyny in Patrick McCabe’s Breakfast on Pluto.” Geographies and Genders in Irish Studies, edited by Marti D. Lee and Ed. Madden, Cambridge Scholars, 2008, pp. 69-78.


Assistant Professor, English, Hostos Community College