There is a crowd of students who ultimately pay for everything such as housing, food, and education. Asking those students, who are probably willing take out loans, to pay for books on top of tuition seems […]
The text may contain heavy use of technical terms but, by defense, it is Chapter 9 so the book’s layout is to get progressively difficult as we move ahead in chapters. I found confusion when going t […]
The text is clearly written and provides adequate context for any jargon or technical terminology used. It simplistic writing gives this chill vibe as reading it was more like a book I want to read on my […]
The text may contain heavy use of technical terms but, by defense, it is Chapter 9 so the book’s layout is to get progressively difficult as we move ahead in chapters. I found confusion when going through […]
Richard Rojas Jr. 4.23.18
The text is well adept and advance for an introductory course into general chemistry. It thorough but insufficient mundane that would thwart the reader to lose track in […]
Richard Rojas Jr. 4.23.18
The text is superb with very easy reading. Clear and to the point like a review book. On the go information when heading to the train!
The objectives were met with […]
Not efficient, extreme vocabulary heavy use about general chemistry.
The objectives were highlighted well in the beginning but when entering the sections, it can be disengaging because it […]