Overall tenure is an ineffective way to push the educational system forward. Although there are many beneficial advantages to tenure, the disadvantages out weights the advantages. Ultimately many solely see the […]
In order to fix the problem of racial inequality in employment, we need to have an after graduate program for minorities to help them get a job after graduating, to create an immediate connection between students […]
Art is a complex word, it can be described and portrayed in many different ways. Art is a platform that brings people together through curiosity and wanting to understand the minds of the creator but what if art was used to highlight the similarities in people who are constantly at war ? Artist JR & Marco did just that. They came together to…[Read more]
Gentrification a system where people are being pushed out of their homes due to such high spikes in rent. Due to the rezoning, the major of New York is making it mandatory that when developers due create new […]
Scientist people believe that drug addiction is an chemical imbalance in the brain, that is cause by people selfish. New evidence has shown that the reason for this rise of drug addiction is based on the […]
Drug addiction has increased in the United States but rehabilitation assistance and help has not. Most politicians don’t view drug addiction as an illness rather they view it as a self driving choice. The […]
The above link is written by an writer called Echo Montgomery Garrett. She is a well accomplished author who has writing several pieces for the New York times, women magazines and business magazine. She also […]
The writer of Chasing the Scream highlights the correlation between drug use, mental conditions and loneliness. The writer highlights the experimentation done by Bruce and Gabor on rats. The experiment c […]
Jamila Lyiscottt in “3 ways to speak English” highlights the depths of how her different ways of speaking, effect’s people’s views of her. “But do not judge by my language and assume that I’m ignorant to teach […]
Fiord Francisco
30 January, Monday 2017
English 121
Professor: DW
Idea of Empathy and Its Value
There are many idea’s to what writing is. Writing could be the idea of creating a reality that seems i […]