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    Edwin Moody

    Edwin Moody

    English 110

    Sam Bellamy

    December 8, 2019

    of Writing

         Although the style of writing we did over
    the course of this semester has been different from the work we did in hig […]

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    Edwin Moody


    Kill People.

           Not Guns.

    Social programs minimize gun violence by     supporting troubled youth.

    Protect your rights by voting in legislation
    that looks at the real problem.

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    Edwin Moody

    Edwin Moody

    September 13, 2019

    Source Based Essay: Gun Co

    Edwin Moody

    September 13, 2019

    Based Essay: Gun Control

         As school shootings and other acts of
    violence pile up, just abo […]

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    Edwin Moody replied to the topic Storytelling Essay

    This article is interesting to me as it is about storytelling, which is very central in various aspects of anyone’s life. The article mentions advertisements, which usually tell a story in there own way. for example, a lot of car ads show happy families going on trips together. this kind of imagery makes most consumers think of times when they did…[Read more]

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    Edwin Moody replied to the topic Amy Tan and James Baldwin

    These articles address language, which is an integral part of who we are as people, and which place, or culture we represent. As a backwoods guy from upstate New York, I grew up almost exclusively around white, conservative country people. I then moved to Texas for a while before moving here to the city. My country roots are definitely reflected…[Read more]

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    Edwin Moody replied to the topic Social Media article

    I thought this was a well-written and interesting article about social media. I am fairly new to this area, and do not post much, but going off of what I have observed from friends and family, social media is a useful, yet potentially detrimental vice that almost everyone in today’s society uses. My main beef with social media is that so many…[Read more]

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    Edwin Moody replied to the topic Student Debt Pieces

    After reading both of these articles, I was even more grateful of the situation I am in now. I was fortunate enough to receive financial aid as well as an athletic scholarship to this school which is pretty affordable to begin with. I was aware of the problems that student debt can present, but both of these pieces underlined the fact that debt…[Read more]

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    Edwin Moody replied to the topic How TikTok Holds Our Attention

    I have never used Tik Tok, and I am fairly distanced from this topic because I don’t use social media that much at all. That being said, this was a very informative and interesting article. After reading it, I think that Tik Tok probably causes more harm than good because it is, for the most part, a waste of time for users, and holds an addictive…[Read more]

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    Edwin Moody replied to the topic Reflection #2

    This style of writing is very different from anything I have done. The main difference has been that instead of using sources to make an argument, we dissected it to find which forms of rhetoric were used to make a point effective. This makes my own writing more like a checklist than the argument style papers that I have written in the past.

    The…[Read more]

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    Edwin Moody replied to the topic Writing Genre #1: Research Topic Reflection

    Gun control is an important topic to me because I am a gun owner, but at the same time believe something needs to be done to stop the unending barrage of tragedies caused by irresponsible gun use. This problem is not only a result of guns being in the hands of the wrong people, but is also caused by a general lack of knowledge about safe firearm…[Read more]

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    Edwin Moody replied to the topic America's Hidden HIV Epidemic

    This article details the work of Cedric Sturdevant, an African-American, Southern man who helps locals who suffer from HIV and AIDS. The reason this work is important to him is that he is an HIV survivor as well. As a gay, black man in the South, when Sturdevant contracted the disease he had no support system, and felt ashamed to go for help…[Read more]

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    Edwin Moody replied to the topic Reflection #1

    To me writing is an effective way for people to portray an feeling, recapture an event, or express an emotion. Assignments i have received in the past are research papers, journalism articles, and rogerian argument papers. The sources I used for these projects were mostly books from the library as well as internet articles. These assignments have…[Read more]

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