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    Abegale replied to the topic Research Project Writing Day 3


    For my project I will be stemming off of my argumentative essay to argue that patients living with a terminal illness, should have the right to physician assisted suicide. I will support my argument with multiple stories of testimonies from patients that wish for this right. I will need medical research. I hope that my project challenges the…[Read more]

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    Abegale replied to the topic Research Project Writing Day 2

    When I did the summary of Nicki Minaj, it brought me to Jamaica, Queens where her life started and then to college because I wanted to show how you can change your mind when it came to choosing majors. Then when I did the summary of a concept it brought me to the hospital because I talked about euthanasia. Then when I did my first Lit review I did…[Read more]

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    Abegale replied to the topic Research Project: Day 1: On Writing

    Ive completed picture analyses, summaries of people,letters, summaries of concepts, argumentative essays and literature reviews. Ive been able to answer the questions of “why am I writing this?,” “What do I want my reader to take away from my writing?,” “What am I trying to clarify?” This research project might impact who I am as a student…[Read more]

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    Abegale replied to the topic Logical Fallacies and Commericals!

    Hasty Generalization & False Analogy

    i think..

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    Abegale replied to the topic Literature Review #2

    This Literature Review will be different from the first one in many ways. One way is that you have the option to use more sources than before which means the length of the paper will extend as well. In this literature review it will be more strict on the APA formatting so you have to put more time into making sure there are no formatting mistakes.…[Read more]

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    Abegale replied to the topic Literature Review #1

    Racists believe that immigrants have negative effects on America. Coulter is one of them to believes one of those effects are the ones immigrants have on the environment. While they might contribute to the downfall of the enviroment, natural born Americans also contribute to the downfall of the environment as well.


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    Abegale replied to the topic Picture analysis!

    This picture really hit home for me because it is so true. My interpretation of this photo was that under everything, we are all the same. No matter what you look like on the outside, on the inside we look exactly the same. This also reminds me of the saying that we all bleed to the same. Also I think the picture is trying to let it be known that…[Read more]

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    Abegale replied to the topic Summary of a person!

    <span style=”font-weight: 400;”>If you’re a person who has a degree in one thing and wants to pursue a career in another, I want you to know you can do just that. Just because you dedicated yourself to one major for 4 or more years, doesn’t mean that that’s the only major you are obligated to. If you feel like you have found something else you’re…[Read more]

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