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Writing Resistance – Fall 2020

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Discussion Forum: “Reading Games: Strategies for Reading…” (DUE 10/26)

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  • After reading, “Reading Games: Strategies for Reading Scholarly Sources” by Karen Rosenberg, I found how I struggle in the same places she does and I found it really relatable, especially when she was talking about how she struggles to maintain her concentration, which I struggle extremely in. However, when she talked about her strategy in reading scholarly articles by breaking them down into separate sections and analyzing them separately I feel like I am able to utilize this to one, get the information I need, and two, to help my concentration by understanding the different parts that are in scholarly articles. As I continue to do my research and analyze scholarly sources I will keep in mind this strategy since I believe it will help me tremendously in understanding and organizing scholarly articles that will enhance my understanding.

    In the article “Reading Games: Strategies for Reading Scholarly Sources” author Karen Rosenberg mentioned the obstacle she faced reading for one of her classes. She shared different techniques that she figured out which will help us to approach scholarly article. She mentions the importance of introduction, section heading, conclusion, figuring out the main argument or idea is for us to read a text efficiently. An idea that I found really interesting is how important the introduction is. I learned about introduction has to thoroughly bring the idea of the essay and give much more understanding of the topic than I knew. I will be using some of the strategies she mentioned to strengthen my understanding.

    In “Reading Games: Strategies for Reading Scholar Sources”, Karen Rosenberg discusses the different techniques we can use to approach and read scholarly sources. It may be difficult for college students to really grasp a scholarly article sometimes, but Rosenberg addresses that with effective tools which can be employed to gather information and analyze it. She mentions how you can group the work into pieces, instead of reading it whole, to achieve a more active reading it. By splitting it up, you can avoid just passively reading works from beginning to end. I related to Rosenberg in that I also have trouble focusing on longer writings, ESPECIALLY when it is on a topic that I have minimal interest in. Her tips on breaking down scholarly articles into intro, heading, and conclusion sections were of immense help to me and I plan to use them in the future.

    An idea from the text, “Reading Games: Strategies for Reading Scholarly Sources” by Karen Rosenberg, that stood out to me was when the author described reading scholarly work as ‘participating in a conversation’. She goes on to describe some strategies to use when reading scholarly work like paying attention to who the audience is, and what the title, abstract, intro, section headings and conclusion might tell you. Only when you’ve understood the different parts of the text can you look at how and where to enter into a conversation with the author. When the author pointed out the importance of finding the audience of a piece, I realized that I tend to aim for a general audience when writing because I want to include everyone. This might be what’s been making it so hard for me to write. I will use some of the strategies the author mentioned when reading my scholarly sources to gather information for my essay.

    When the author mentions how discussing what is read from a scholarly article with your professor and peers can expand one’s thinking and solidify one’s stance, I thought of how we post on the forum and comment on each other’s responses. Although we work virtually because of COVID, we still find a way to discuss with one another. When the author encourages us to question why our teachers assign us the readings that they assign, I think of how intentional school environments are from the time we are in preschool to college. Teacher’s have to be mindful of what they expose to their students. I found the author’s strategies very helpful. They present how imperative it is for us to be aware of the intended audience as a way to sufficiently understand a scholarly article. This text encourages me to pay a lot of attention to the introduction and conclusion when reading a scholarly article, as those are blueprints for the “meat of the text”. The introduction and conclusion go hand in hand. When I write an essay, it is sometimes helpful to first create the introduction and conclusion before working on the paragraphs. I do find it helpful when skimming or trying to read something fast to first look at the introduction and then the conclusion. However, I will not be skimming when looking into my sources. Also, explicitly explaining what an abstract is and what one can expect to find in this section of a scholarly article was helpful. I am familiar with abstracts but have never read a clear definition of one before.

    In the article, ” Reading Games: Strategies for Reading Scholar sources”, Karen Rosenberg explains the different techniques that can be used to read and understand scholarly sources. The author discusses the importance of organizing essays and the role conclusions, introduction, and sections headings are. The author also mentions that writers should pay close attentions to the title, idea, and message the sources incorporate into the sources. One thing that Rosenberg mentions is her trouble in focusing and staying on track, In which I can heavily relate to. When writing I tend to get easily distracted and turn my focus on unnecessary things. Furthermore, One idea that interests me from the text is when reading something you should break the txt into pieces to get a better sense of the idea of the writings. I feel that this strategy can help me with my writing and evaluating sources because I can focus on smaller pieces of the text instead of trying to cram in a whole bunch of words at once, this can help with my confusion as well.

    In the essay chapter Reading Games: Strategies for Reading Scholarly Sources, the author reflects on their college experiences and the challenges she had to experience. The author intends to reflect with future generations of writers, empathizing with them with the exact difficulties she experienced. By doing, she creates a bond of connection between the audience and the author. An idea that interests me is when she talks about how you can participate in a conversation with the author when you read a scholarly source. While reading the sources, I focused more on how the author is trying to deliver the information instead of creating a personal connection with me. This information helps me understand better how to interpret scholarly sources from now on. In contrast, an idea that confuses me is when the author explains how the title contains information that can help us understand a source; in some cases, that is the case, but in other cases, not. Sometimes, the title of a source is too basic or general, and it is hard to figure out relevant information in the title. 

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