Public Group active 3 years ago
Theory, Research, and Action in Urban Education
Theory, Research, and Action in Urban Education (TRAUE) is an open-access, peer-reviewed online journal published by doctoral students and recent graduates of the Urban Education program at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. This journal is one of very few that features original work by emerging scholars. TRAUE also serves as a forum in which youth, public school students, educators, community groups, and parents debate issues of educational practice and policy.
We publish articles, reviews, policy briefs, and notes from the field that critically and politically engage with issues of equity in urban schools and communities. We value theory, research, and action that is political and undertaken in collaboration with schools and communities. Our mission is to develop and share tools for imagining and enacting sustainable, systemic educational and social equity. Submissions to this journal should advance social and educational equity, have a strong theoretical grounding, and be well written with fully developed ideas.
Theory, Research, and Action in Urban Education
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