Dear all,
I am teaching this workshop today at 1PM (Graduate Center, room C201).
Betwyll: discover the resources of social reading (February 6, 1-3 pm | Graduate Center, room C201)
Discover the resources of social reading with Betwyll (, the app developed by Tw Letteratura ( This app allows people to comment text in short messages. It can be employed as a didactic tool to make students read literary texts but it can also be applied to more performative texts, allowing people to express their skills and at the same time to build a community of readers, which can develop outside the app.
Iuri Moscardi – PhD student in Comparative Literature and Betwyll project manager – will guide you in discovering its unique methodology that combines traditional reading and social participation. You will also have the opportunity to try it by reading andcommenting on “Moby Dick”, an American classic.
The workshop is part of the 2019 NYC Digital Humanities Week. It takes place in room C201 at The Graduate Center, CUNY (C level). Attendees should bring a mobile devices (smartphone or tablets) and have the Betwyll app downloaded from Google and Apple Stores (it is free).
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