Public Group active 5 years, 1 month ago

Renaissance Studies

A group emerging from the Renaissance Studies Certificate Program with the aim of creating an interdisciplinary network of scholars working in the Renaissance/Early Modern.


Deadline extended: Call for Panels SHARP@RSA 2019

  • The Society for the History of Authorship, Reading & Publishing (SHARP) will sponsor up to four panels at the Renaissance Society of America’s annual meeting in Toronto, ON on 17-19 March 2019. SHARP @ RSA brings together scholars working on any aspect of the creation, dissemination, and reception of manuscript and print and their digital remediation.

    We invite panel submissions that consider English and/or Continental books and manuscripts from 1350 to 1700. Potential topics include print culture, history of the book, authorship, publishing history, ephemera, illustration, publishers’ archives, production, circulation, and reception. Panels addressing digital methodologies for the study of book history are especially welcome. Participants may also submit a roundtable discussion rather than a panel.

    Please include all abstracts and brief CVs (up to 4 presenters and a chair/respondent) in a single .DOCX or .PDF document. Sessions may be submitted without a chair; should the submission be accepted, a chair will be assigned by the SHARP liaison or the RSA committee.

    Completed session submissions should be emailed to Dr. Andie Silva (asilva[at] by July 30, 2018. Panelists will be contacted with a decision before the formal RSA deadline.

    Before submitting, please note the following RSA restrictions: All participants must be current members of RSA in order to present. In order to avoid scheduling conflicts, participants may not give more than one paper, be a discussant in more than one roundtable, or be a respondent in more than one session. A participant may chair up to two sessions. The RSA welcomes graduate student speakers who are within one or two years of defending their dissertations. However, all sessions must include at least one speaker who has received the PhD or other terminal degree. Sessions composed entirely of predoctoral speakers and sessions that include precandidates or MA students will not be considered. Predoctoral speakers should present dissertation research, not term papers. Their CVs must include the dissertation title and expected date of completion to make their eligibility clear to the Program Committee.

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