Post-Election Working Group

Public Group active 1 year, 5 months ago

Digital Research Tools

TAPoR is a registry of digital research tools for scholarly use.

Explore more tools from TAPoR on the Digital Tools Directory.

This Group’s Tools

Members of this group use 7 tools from TAPoR:

  • Balsamiq Mockups is a simple, flexible, and collaborative software for building wireframes for websites, apps, and other digital media. Users may purchase a desktop license or pay a monthly subscription fee for the web app. Free desktop software is available for classroom use.Learn more on

    Used by group member Stephen RealShow all users
  • Build responsive, mobile-first projects on the web with the world's most popular front-end component library.

    Bootstrap is an open source toolkit for developing with HTML, CSS, and JS. Quickly prototype your ideas or build your entire app with our Sass variables and mixins, responsive grid system, extensive prebuilt components, and powerful plugins built on jQuery.Learn more on

    Used by group member Luke Waltzer (he/him)Show all users
  • Camtasia is Mac/Windows software for recording screencasts and editing video. Videos can be sent directly to YouTube or integrated with Google Drive. Camtasia is the high end of a suite of screen capture products. SnagIt is a cheaper alternative with fewer features. Jing, the most basic of the TechSmith screen capture products, is free.Learn more on

    Used by group member Luke Waltzer (he/him)Show all users
  • Commentpress is an open source theme and plugin for WordPress 3.3.1 or later designed to enable readers to contribute comments to each paragraph of a text and display those comments in the margins. Commentpress turns a text into a conversation, whether a blog or a fixed document such as an essay, book or article. It may also be used to add a gloss or annotations to a document. This tool is also available for BuddyPress and BP Group Blog.Learn more on

    Used by group member Katina Rogers (she/her)Show all users
  • Drupal is an extremely flexible general content management system with numerous plugins that provide scholar-oriented functionality.Learn more on

    Used by group member Katina Rogers (she/her)Show all users
  • Perl is a high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming language. Originally developed for text manipulation, it is now used for a wide range of tasks including graphics programming, system administration, network programming, applications that require database access and CGI programming on the Web.


    - C, shell scripting (sh), AWK, and sed

    - Powerful text processing facilities

    - Flexibility and adaptability

    -Support for multiple programming paradigms

    -Reference counting memory managementLearn more on

    Used by group member Scott Voth (he/him)Show all users
  • Share a project action board in real time, see milestones and upcoming goals. Easy-to-use features allows for edits in the project timeline, and the tracker predicts timeline for next goal achievement based on previously entered data. You can create individual project lines, or stories, that come together to create an epic, or larger project. There are charts showing your historical trends and anything else you'd like to monitor. This tool works with various other apps, listed here: more on

    Used by group member Luke Waltzer (he/him)Show all users