Public Group active 1 week, 2 days ago

Open Education at CUNY

A group devoted to making education open, accessible, and public through the use of open-source tools and non-proprietary software platforms.

Group avatar by akashgoyal


Open Source Alternatives to Blackboard

  • There is a forum on Blackboard and Alternatives where I did a post a while back. It was about a site that allows you to set up a quick features-and-functionalities comparison between various LMSs, including open-source LMSs. I suggested that would be a good starting point for considering which alternatives to Blackboard to recommend, since CUNY can and should run some formal pilots of alternatives.

    There is another great starting point, of course, and that’s Michael Oman-Reagan’s excellent May 5th blog post, ”Blackboard Alternatives”. I assume all of you already know about this, since Matt Gold posted news of it to the group wire.

    Here I would observe that there already some pilots (of sorts) being done in CUNY now with Sakai and Moodle and WordPress and perhaps other things. Could people who are aware of (perhaps even involved with) these please say something about their experiences thus far?

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  • It isn’t Sakai, Moodle, or WordPress, but out at York we’re using the open source CMS (Plone) that runs our college website as a Blackboard backup for faculty. The UI is a little different, but the web team has done a good job replicating much of the functionality. The implementation isn’t “live” because we’re treating Bb as the primary “recommended” LMS.

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