Public Group active 7 years, 12 months ago
Nursing Educators at CUNY
A place for CUNY nursing educators to share news and content, ask questions, and collaborate on anything of interest to the community. We hope this group will serve as an open forum for information exchange and networking across the 13 schools and programs of nursing at CUNY.
Members are encouraged to share news and developments from their campus, explore teaching strategies and instructional technology, circulate upcoming conferences and events, post articles and job opportunities, and more.
Originally a learning space for members of the New York City Nursing Education Consortium in Technology (NYCNECT), we welcome colleagues who share a passion for preparing nursing students to become expert clinicians and, in turn, to improve the safety and quality of patient care.
Moderators Wanted!
We are looking for volunteers interested in moderating this group. If you would like to take a more active role in facilitating discussion and sharing news and resources with the community, please contact Shawn McGinniss at [email protected].
Conferences, workshops, calls for papers, and other time-sensitive events
Posted by Shawn M. (he/him/his) on April 6, 2011 at 10:50 am
Use this thread to post opportunities that may benefit the group (e.g., academic conferences, special trainings or workshops, calls for papers/abstracts, special talks, funding announcements).
NIH’s National Center for Research Resources and the Clinical and Translational Science Awards consortium will sponsor the Fourth Annual National CTSA Community Engagement Conference, focusing on how Information Technology (IT) can enhance community engagement.
Using IT to Improve Community Health: How Health Care Reform Supports Innovation
August 30 – 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday, August 31, 8:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center
5701 Marinelli Road
Bethesda, MD 20852Deadline for posters and abstracts: Friday, April 29, 2011.
To Register:
The conference will cover the following topics:
Using IT to Improve Community Health: The Federal Landscape
IT, Community Health and the State Perspective
Using IT to Improve Health at the Local Level
Using IT, Electronic Health Records, Personal Health Records and Telemedicine to Engage Communities
A View of the Future: Using Patient Portals to Improve Community Health ConnectivitySoftChalk Webinar: Creating Clinical Case-based Activities/Lessons from a Template
Wednesday, April 27
3pm ET
Bonnie Taylor, M.Ed., CAPM, Educational Development Specialist, UTHSCSA School of NursingThe University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio is using case-based learning activities to attempt to improve student satisfaction and learning outcomes for nearly-graduated medical students.
Traditionally faculty distribute case scenarios in a handout-lecture-question/answer cycle. They have wanted and needed to transform the cases into more engaging learning activities for individuals and groups, incorporating decision-making, feedback, self-assessment, and reflection. But the faculty’s challenging teaching/clinical course load limited time to accomplish this.
The task for an instructional designer: develop a simple-to-use template for turning existing cases into engaging activities. And the solution: use SoftChalk to build the template faculty can adapt to their needs.
During this session you will see the template they created plus samples of the case-based activities in three specialties. In addition they will discuss both student and faculty satisfaction with the process.
Taking SIMULATION to the Next Step!!
Pam Jeffries DNSc, RN, FAAN, ANEF
Professor & Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing
Baltimore, MarylandDr. Pamela R. Jeffries is nationally known for her research and work in developing simulations and online teaching and learning. At the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing and throughout the academic community, she is well regarded for her expertise in experiential learning, innovative teaching strategies, new pedagogies, and the delivery of content using technology in nursing education. Dr. Jeffries served as the Project Director for a national simulation study funded by the National League for Nursing and the Laerdal Corporation. She was named to the same role for a second NLN and Laerdal grant to facilitate the development of web-based courses for faculty development in simulation and a national simulation innovation resource center. She is now serving on a five-year Health Resources and Services Administration grant to develop Health Information Technology Scholars. She has previously been awarded several grants to support her research and is the recipient of several teaching awards, including the National League of Nursing Lucile Petry Leone Award. She is the author of the landmark book: Simulations in Nursing Education: From Conceptualization to Evaluation, (2007) New York: NewYork, The National League for Nursing.
Target Audience:
Nurse EducatorsGoal:
Dissemination of research on simulation and Strategies for integrationObjectives:
-Describe the key issues, concerns & challenges regarding use of simulation
-Identify Models and Approaches for Simulation
-Define Evidence- Based Simulation designMay 20, 2011
9:00 – 9:30 Check-in, Light Refreshments
9:30 – 10:30 Best Practices in Clinical Simulation
10:30 – 11:30 Curriculum Development: Where does Simulation Fit?
11:30 – 11:40 Break
11:40 – 12:40 The Art of Debriefing: Strategies and Responsibilities
12:45 – 1:00 Closing & EvaluationsQueensborough Community College
Department of Nursing
Medical Arts Building Room M-136
222-05 56th Avenue
Bayside, NY 11364
Parking is available on campusRSVP by May 13, 2011
Download flyer with registration form: contact:
Marge Reilly at (718) 631-6080 or [email protected]Directions to the college:
You must be logged in to view attached files.Upcoming talk on Fri. June 3rd:
The Center for Evidence-based Practice in the Underserved
Columbia University School of Nursing
New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center
PresentEmpowering Patients and Promoting Health
Through Consumer-Facing Health Information ToolsPurpose: To enhance clinician and researcher understanding of the current state and future directions of consumer-facing
health information tools and their role in empowering patients and promoting health.Keynote Speaker
Computers and the Cyber PatientExpert Panel: Case Studies in Consumer-Facing Health Information Tools
Warner Slack, MD
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard School of MedicineRebecca Schnall, RN, PhD, Columbia University School of Nursing
Aurelia Boyer, RN, MBA, Chief Information Officer, New York-Presbyterian Hospital
Robert Lucero, RN, PhD, Columbia University School of Nursing
Arlene Smaldone, RN, DNSc, Columbia University School of Nursing
Peter Gordon, MD, College of Physicians & Surgeons“Envisioning the Future”
Patricia Flatley Brennan, RN, PhD
Living Environments Laboratory, Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery, University of Wisconsin – MadisonFriday June 3rd
10:15am to 12:30 pmMilstein Heart Hospital
Myrna Daniels Auditorium
New York-Presbyterian Hospital
173 Fort Washington Avenue
First Floor Conference Center
New York, New York 10032Interactive Brainstorming Lunch to Follow at 12:30 – 2:00 pm
RSVP for lunch by May 27th to Michelle Odlum ([email protected])
View the full invitation at
The call for abstracts on the NIH conference was extended to July 1st – I”ve registered and hope to submit something on Personal Health Records – anyone else planning on going?
Kathy Nokes, Hunter
First Annual CUNY Nursing Doctoral Research Day
Call for Poster Abstracts
April 27, 2012
1:00 to 3:00 pm
The Segal Theater
The Graduate Center, CUNY
DNS Program of the Graduate Center
Sigma Theta Tau Chapters of:
Hunter College, Alpha Phi Chapter
Lehman College Delta Zeta Chapter
College of Staten Island Mu Upsilon ChapterSubmission Guidelines:
Abstract: The first page of your abstract should include all presenter contact information and specify the abstract as a poster. The second page should contain the presenter name, the title of the abstract, and the content of your abstract (no more than 250 words).
Biographical data form: All individual authors are requested to complete a copy of the
biographical data form and provide it with their abstract submission. In the event that there are several authors for an abstract, the following should provide the required forms: primary author, primary presenter (if other than primary author), any additional authors who will be in attendance as presenters if abstract selected for presentation. All biographical data forms should be included with the abstract submission.Submissions due April 1, 2012 via e-mail to [email protected]
—Form attached—
You must be logged in to view attached files.Please see this message from Melanie Donovan at the Graduate Center. We encourage our Transformers to submit abstracts for this event.
Good afternoon,The Doctor of Nursing Science Program at the Graduate Center cordially invites you to our 1st Annual Research Day event which will be held on April 27, 2012 from 1 to 3pm at the Segal Theater in the Graduate Center.
Please extend this invite to your chapters and feel free to forward the flyer.
RSVP information is included in the flyer (attached).
Thank you,
Melanie Donovan
Assistant Program Officer
Doctor of Nursing Science Program (DNS)Attachments:
You must be logged in to view attached files.Thank you Shawn, I am looking forward to attending this event in April!
Alex Plavskin
A message from a nursing informatics colleague about an upcoming training opportunity:
“Please consider attending an upcoming Nursing Informatics Boot Camp in Kansas City, MO., Hartford, CT., or Seattle, WA. Both ANCC contact hours and CPHIMS/CAHIMS credits are issued.You may be considering Nursing Informatics Certification. If you are already certified or up for re-licensure, you may need contact hours. We do have non-nurse attendees as well. If you have attended an NI Boot Camp recently, please pass this to a colleague.
See the attached brochure for upcoming and planned events or
-August 2-3, 2013 sponsored by Cerner for Cerner Associates and Cerner customers, Kansas City, MO.
-October 10-11, 2013 sponsored by the Puget Sound Nursing Informatics Group and Axxess Consult Health, Seattle, WA.
-October 17-18, 2013 sponsored by Hartford Hospital, Hartford, CT.
Let me know if you have any questions. I have event specific brochures for some of the above events.
We are working on other locations (like Atlanta, GA., El Paso, TX., Houston, TX., Baltimore, MD., and San Francisco, CA.). Alternatively you may wish to host an event at your location.
I hope to see you at an upcoming Nursing Informatics Boot Camp.
Director, Nursing Informatics Boot Camp
Franklin, TN, [email protected], 443-562-0502 cell
NIBC events:
You must be logged in to view attached files.I’d like to post details for this year’s CUNY IT Conference on Dec. 5 and 6. NYCNECT will be presenting on Thursday at 1pm. Hope to see many of you there! You should also be able to follow along on Twitter using #cunyit.
TO: The CUNY CommunityFROM: Allan H. Dobrin
DATE: November 5, 2013
SUBJECT: Invitation to the 2013 CUNY Instructional/Information Technology Conference
I am delighted to extend to you and your colleagues this invitation to attend the 12th Annual CUNY IT Conference, which will take place on December 5 and 6, 2013 at John Jay College.
This year’s conference, again chaired by George Otte, offers a wealth of insights and information in presentations that include a striking number of cross-campus collaborations. Like the past three annual conferences, it ranges beyond a single day, so there will be two keynotes again this year, this time by Candace Thille (founding director of the Open Learning Initiative and Research Fellow in the Office of the Vice Provost for Online Learning at Stanford University) on Thursday the 5th and Kenneth C. Green (founding director of the Campus Computing Project, the largest continuing study of the role of instructional and information technology in American higher education) on Friday the 6th.
The theme for our 12th Annual — Instructional/Information Technology in CUNY: “Disruptions and Developments” — challenged those submitting proposals to consider, not just what’s new, but what is likely to persist and even flourish in transformative ways in a remarkably changeful IT landscape. The results should be of interest to all members of the CUNY community. As we confront change, what new risks and responsibilities do we incur? What new opportunities can we seize?
I want to thank George and the Conference Committee for vetting the many proposals, reflecting higher than ever levels of interest and activity. Only a fraction could be selected, so you are assured of seeing those that seem best to represent the interests as well as the diversity of the CUNY community.
The Conference Program is available at the URL below, which also links to the conference e-registration application. Given previous years’ “full house” attendance, I urge you to register in advance. Registration is free to all members of the CUNY community, but space is limited.
Here is where you go to view the Conference Program and to register:
The Conference begins at noon on the 5th and culminates, after two sets of concurrent presentations, with Candace Thille’s keynote at 3:30 and the CUNY IT Awards presentation at 4:30. On the 6th, registrants are welcomed with a continental breakfast at 8:30am, with concurrent sessions at 9:30 and the keynote by Kenneth C. Green at 10:45. The keynote is followed by lunch, and then there are two more sets of concurrent sessions before the end-of-day drawing for prizes offered up by the vendors.
I hope you will join me in attending. Again, please register. The URL given above is for the full program schedule, and includes the link to register.
Thank you.
Call for Presenters:
2014 Bronx CUNY EdTech Showcase!Sponsored by Lehman College, Hostos and Bronx Community Colleges
Submission deadline for proposals: Monday, March 31st, 2014
Conference Date: Friday May 9, 2014
9:30 am-4 pm
Hall of Fame Playhouse
Bronx Community College, Bronx NYJoin the three Bronx CUNY colleges for a very special opportunity to discuss and showcase effective online and hybrid college and classroom practices with peers. This year our committee seeks to highlight collaboration that might be occurring across-campus or between campuses, interdisciplinary groups and individuals. Those that are chosen will lead discussions and share success stories, ideas and road maps to assist others to lead, innovate and represent change. Those exemplary activities that feature cross-campus or inter-campus collaboration, pedagogical innovation, institutional change and of course unique classroom methodologies with technology are encouraged. Whether you consider yourself a proficient specialist, a ‘work-in-progress,’ a novice or first-time adopter, you are welcome to apply!
For more information and to apply:***
Bronx EdTech 2014 Showcase Steering Committee
Mark Lennerton at 718.289.5655, email: [email protected]
Albert Robinson at 718.289.5100 ext. 3063, email: [email protected]
Alyson Vogel at Lehman College: 347.577.4024, [email protected]
Carlos Guevara at Hostos: 718.319.7974 , email: [email protected]
Kate Lyons at Hostos: 718.518.4213, email: [email protected]
Lisa Tappeiner at 718.518.4221, email: [email protected]Attention colleagues, you are cordially invited to the HBSON 2014 Annual Spring Forum:
***Interprofessional education and practice: Key to safe, optimal person-centered care***
Featured Speaker:
Carmen L. Morano, PhD
Associate Professor, Hunter College School of Social Work
Director, Hartford Silberman Center of Excellence in Aging and Diversity
Managing Editor, Journal of Gerontological Social WorkWEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2014
Registration: 4:30pm – 5:30pm
Program: 5:30pm – 7:00pmHunter-Bellevue School of Nursing
Brookdale Auditorium
425 E. 25th Street
New York, NY 100101.5 contact hours will be awarded for this program.
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