Public Group active 1 week, 6 days ago

GIS / Mapping Working Group

The Geographic Information Systems (GIS) / Mapping working group is a network of CUNY students, faculty and staff who are interested in sharing methods and techniques, and finding support from others about ways GIS can be used to further research and teaching.

The GIS/Mapping working group is part of a GC Digital Initiatives program designed to create collaborative communities of Digital Fellows, CUNY-wide graduate students, staff, and faculty to meet regularly and share their areas of interest. The working groups provide a sustained, supportive environment to learn new skills, share familiar skills, and collaborate with both the Digital Fellows and the CUNY digital community.

If you are using Geographic Information Systems or other mapping technologies in your teaching and/or research, or if you are interested in mapping your data, or using GIS technology to analyze/visualize your data, we invite you to join the GIS/Mapping working group.

Peruse our mapping resource bank here:

For the Spring 2024 semester, the GIS/Mapping working group will meet in the Digital Scholarship Lab, Room 7414, every other Tuesday from 2-4 p.m. Check out our event calendar for the specific meeting dates. Please stop by!

There’s a Space For That! Spatial Intelligence for Health and Beyond

  • There’s a Space For That!
    Spatial Intelligence for Health and Beyond
    Wednesday, April 17, 2019
    3:30 PM ~ Hunter College ~ 1022 HN
    Hunter College, 695 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10065
    André Skupin
    Center for Information Convergence and Strategy
    Department of Geography
    San Diego State University

    The relevance of spatial thinking and geographic techniques for the medical
    domain extends far beyond the traditional bounds of using GIS and spatial
    analysis to investigate public health phenomena in geographic space. With
    some imagination, medical concepts and practices can be seen as
    simultaneously existing in a multitude of different spaces. Once such an
    overarching spatial viewpoint is in place, health data can be transformed
    into engaging artifacts that support medical research, education, and
    practice. For example, medical records generated by intensive care units
    could be turned into nuanced representations of patients’ health status. The
    written notes of medical professionals – from surgeons to nurses and
    radiologists – can be a rich source of insight, not only concerning
    individual patients but in surveying and monitoring the medical ecosystem.
    Meanwhile, natural language processing and machine learning can be used to
    organize biomedical research results into coherent knowledge structures. The
    presentation will highlight several projects that exemplify a spatial
    intelligence approach to health and other domains.

    Biography. André Skupin is a Professor of Geography and the Founder and
    Co-Director of the Center for Information Convergence and Strategy (CICS) at
    San Diego State University. He is vice chair and co-host of Left of Boom,
    the annual conference on proactive threat mitigation strategies. Dr. Skupin
    serves as Associate Director of the Center for Data Analytics and
    Intelligence (CENDAI) at the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague and
    Associate Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CEI)
    at the University of Dubai. He combines a classic cartographic education
    with long-standing interests in the application of data visualization and
    analytics in diverse domains, from biomedicine to finance, demography, and
    criminology. He has been engaged in the visualization of knowledge spaces
    for more than two decades, combining traditionally disparate approaches from
    natural language processing, machine learning, and cartography. These
    efforts have been funded by diverse sponsors, including the White House
    Office of National Drug Control Policy, National Science Foundation, and
    National Institutes of Health. Dr. Skupin is co-inventor of several
    patent-pending technologies involving ontologies and text mining for
    knowledge engineering.

    All are invited to attend!
    No RSVP Required

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