Join Jojo Karlin and Krysia Michael Thursday, February 6, at 6pm in room 5307
to learn how to publish openly-licensed course materials (public domain texts, things you own, new collaborations you wish to share) in beautiful, annotatable digital books.
In this free workshop, participants will learn how to publish on the CUNY Manifold platform, our instance of the digital publishing platform developed here at the GC in collaboration with University of Minnesota Press and Cast Iron Coding. Participants will be introduced to the platform to create texts (course readers, edited collections of student work, or personal scholarship) that can be shared, annotated, and enriched with multimedia resources. Check out titles already available: The Narrative Life of Frederick Douglass, Pride and Prejudice, Walden, or the Futures Initiative’s Structuring Equality and the Teaching and Learning Center’s Teach@CUNY Handbook.