Public Group active 2 months, 2 weeks ago

GC Composition & Rhetoric Community (GCCRC)

The Graduate Center Composition and Rhetoric Community (GCCRC), a DSC-chartered organization, is comprised of a diverse group of students and faculty interested in not only what texts say, but how they say it, and how they come to say it – in short, how they are composed. This interdisciplinary group has been of particular interest to those who are teaching while pursuing their degrees because of our commitment to exploring writing-centered pedagogies, offering a support network for new and continuing graduate student instructors and hands-on training sessions for anyone interested. The GCCRC aims to foster discussions of writing studies and composition theory alongside our own local classroom experiences; these important connections between theory and practice regularly develop into extended discussions that group members have presented at national conferences.

Find out more on the Commons wiki, or see what we’ve been reading on Zotero.

Avatar image by craigmdennis, via flickr.

Intersession Teaching Workshop : Jan 25th

  • Ph.D. Program in English with the Graduate Center Composition and Rhetoric Community Presents

    The 4th Annual Intercession Teaching Workshop

    Thursday, January 24, 2013
    Room 4406

    11:00AM-11:30AM Opening Comments. Coffee, tea, juice, pastries will be served
    11:30AM-12:30PM Workshop (1, 2, or 3 as below)
    12:30PM-1:30PM Break on your own
    1:30PM-2:30PM Workshop (1, 2, or 3 as below)
    2:30PM-3:30PM Workshop (1, 2, or 3 as below)

    Students will participate in all three workshops, led by English Program students

    Workshop 1: “Bridging the Gap: Lesson Plans that Move Students from In-Class Writing to At-Home Writing”. Led by Nolan Chessman. Room 3308

    Workshop 2: “Class Activities to Foster Deliberate Participation”. Led by Dale Katherine Ireland. Room 3310A

    Workshop 3: “Investigating the Indirect and Immediate Benefits of Peer Review”. Led by Joshua Belknap and Sean Molloy. Room 3310B

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