Public Group active 4 days, 7 hours ago

CUNY Games Network

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We connect educators from every campus and discipline at CUNY who are interested in games, simulations, and other forms of interactive teaching. We seek to facilitate the pedagogical uses of both digital and non-digital games, improve student success, and encourage research and scholarship in the developing field of games-based learning.

Call for workshops on digital literacies and computing for k-12

  • Call for workshops! 

    A new initiative at the City University of New York called Computing Integration in Teacher Education (CITE) is looking for a diverse group of organizations and individuals to conduct VIRTUAL workshops with CUNY education faculty around computing and digital literacies for preK-12-aged young people. 

    More details on this form.

    At minimum, workshop facilitators will be assigned a 2-hour block on a Tuesday or Wednesday during the last three weeks of July, but we also welcome proposals that engage participants through a variety of formats. 

    • A one-off 2-hour workshop or series of 2 shorter workshops 
    • A synchronous workshop with asynchronous post-work for faculty to complete independently 
    • One-on-one / small group design support 

    Compensation is a stipend between $500-1000 depending on the budget you propose. 

    Please fill out this form to propose your workshop by Friday, June 10 at 5pm. Accepted workshop facilitators will be notified by June 17. 

    We do not expect participating organizations or individuals to generate new content so much as showcase computing and  digital literacies activities you have already designed and/or implemented in schools, out-of-school time programs, and/or schools of education. 

    Questions and comments can be directed to: Sara Vogel, Associate Director, CITE ( or Aankit Patel, Director of STEM Education ( 

    Hope to see your proposal! 

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