Public Group active 3 months, 1 week ago

Futures Initiative

The Futures Initiative aims to advance greater equity and innovation in higher education. Housed at the Graduate Center and reaching throughout the CUNY community, the Futures Initiative empowers the next generation of intellectual leaders with bold, public, and engaged teaching and learning. The Futures Initiative fosters greater understanding of the complexities of the higher education landscape by spearheading qualitative and quantitative research in areas such as academic labor practices and reward systems, open-access multimedia publishing, data visualization and interpretation, and institutional change. Through HASTAC@CUNY (a hub of the online network Humanities, Arts, Science and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory), the Futures Initiative extends its collaborative peer-to-peer practices across institutions, disciplines, national boundaries, and economic and social disparities, promoting reinvestment in higher education as a public good.


Join Us: Open Pedagogy Event Thursday 10/18 at 4:30pm

  • Hi all:

    Greetings from the OpenLab! Please see below for details on our upcoming Open Pedagogy event on Thursday, October 18th. Refreshments will be served, and part-time faculty are eligible to receive a stipend for participation. Please RSVP by replying to this post.

    As always, feel free to contact us at [email protected] with any questions/concerns. We hope to see you next Thursday evening!


    The OpenLab Community Team

    [email protected]

    General Event Info

    Open Pedagogy Event: Remixing and Sharing in Open Digital PedagogyThursday October 18th, 2018, 4:30-6:00pm (Faculty Commons, N227)

    *Refreshments will be served. (Thanks to the Provost’s Office for its generous support of this event!)

    *Part-time faculty are eligible to receive a stipend for participation.

    *Please RSVP by commenting on this post. Please share this invitation with your colleagues!

    Join the OpenLab Team, City Tech faculty and staff, and CUNY colleagues at our next Open Pedagogy event, where we’ll be discussing remixing and sharing in open digital pedagogy. The OpenLab and other open digital environments create new opportunities for developing readily adaptable teaching materials, easily sharing and remixing content, and promoting collaboration within and across disciplines. We’ll introduce improved ways to highlight and search for open content (such as OERs) on the OpenLab and a new “shared cloning” functionality that allows other faculty to more easily adapt OpenLab course content. Together, we’ll explore benefits and uses of these developments for open teaching and learning, as well as the ethics and best practices of sharing and remixing.

    We’ll consider the following questions:

    • What opportunities for sharing and remixing teaching materials do open digital environments like the OpenLab present?
    • How does this contrast with more traditional teaching environments?
    • What are the ethics and best practices of sharing and remixing?
    • As someone participating in an open digital environment, what responsibilities do you have? What responsibilities do you envision for others?

    Recommended Readings:

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