Public Group active 5 years, 6 months ago


A place to share ideas and best practices on planning, piloting, implementing, and/or assessing ePortfolios.


New AAEEBL Web site

  • Hi all,

    I just received a message that I wanted to share regarding the AAEEBL website — The website moved to a new platform (Wild Apricot) and was created by Judy Williamson Batson, David Marble, and Jayme Jacobson.

    According to Trent Batson, this new platform, “will work to better coordinate communication among all constituents of the global electronic portfolio community in the U. S., the U. K., Canada, Europe and Australia. For example, we are starting to work on a unified calendar of all portfolio events in collaboration with other portfolio initiatives. This site replaces our old web site and the numerous Google Groups sites we had.”

    If you have some time I would highly recommend taking a tour of the new site!



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  • — Update —

    Here’s the login process for the new site: in the login box, enter your email, then click on “forgot password.” You will then receive an email with a link in the email. Click on the link in the email and you will be able to set your password. Then, you should be able to update your profile, and so on.

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