Public Group active 5 years, 6 months ago


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DINNER in Boston?

  • Hi All,

    By my count on the program for the AAEEBL Conference in Boston, we have a nice large group of CUNY folks attending. I count close to 20!

    In past years, we’ve had a CUNY dinner on one night of the conference, and I’d really like to continue that tradition. So if you’re coming to the conference, if you’re free on Tuesday night (July 30) for dinner, please respond to this post and let me know you’d like to come.

    Our tradition has been to eat at (what I think is) one of the best restaurants in Boston—Hammersley’s Bistro . It’s not inexpensive, I know, but it’s a very pleasant space, and truly excellent food.

    So please, if you get this message, or if you know anyone from CUNY who will be there but might not get this message, help me get a count, and I will make a reservation.

    It’s rare that we all get to be together in a pleasant social atmosphere–let’s try to make it happen!

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