Here’s a space for us to start gathering/discussing ideas for courses for the coming academic year.
For your reference, I’ve uploaded the “New Curriculum” document that Mario circulated under the Files tab for this group. Below, I’ve copied/pasted is what is effectively the second half of the course listings on that document, which strike me as rubrics under which Americanist work might fall.
Perhaps we might start with some broad based imagining and then see if we can produce a sense of common thrulines we would like to see shaping Americanist conversations in the years to go?
Speaking not as the group convener but just me, I was thinking of offering a course that would allow engagement with the discourses on settler colonialism that are so strongly present in American cultural studies these days. I’m thinking also of a course that might be organized around the problematics of U.S. ethnic literary studies in the post-identity era.
Okay, so, let’s see if this virtual forum works to sustain discussion — and if not, we’ll figure out other means.
Thanks, everyone —
American Literature
75000 American Literature to 1865
75100 American Literature after 1865
85000 Studies in Early American Literature
85100 Studies in Nineteenth-Century American Literature
85200 Studies in Twentieth-Century American Literature
85300 Studies in Asian American Literature
85400 Studies in Latino/a Literature
85410 Comparative Studies in American Literature
African American Literature
75500 African American Literature
85500 Studies in African American and Africana Literature and Culture
85600 Studies in African American Literature through 1900
85700 Studies in Twentieth-Century African American Literature
85800 Studies in Contemporary African American Literature
Twentieth-Century and Twenty-First-Century Literature
76000 Modernisms
76100 Literature after 1945
76300 Postmodernisms
86000 Studies in Twentieth-Century Literature
86100 Studies in the Twentieth-Century Novel
86200 Studies in Twentieth-Century Poetry
86400 Studies in Contemporary Literature
Postcolonial, Transnational, and Global Literature and Theory
76200 Postcolonial Literature and Theory
86500 Studies in Postcolonial Literature
86600 Studies in Postcolonial Theory
86700 Studies in Transnational Literature
86800 Studies in Global Literature
Genre Courses
87000 Studies in Narrative
87100 Studies in the Novel
87200 Studies in Poetry
87300 Studies in Performance
87400 Studies in Visual Media
87500 Studies in Biography and Autobiography
Literature, Gender, and Sexuality
78000 Women’s Writing
78100 Literature, Gender, and Sexuality
88000 Studies in Women’s Writing
88100 Studies in Literature, Gender, and Sexuality
88200 Studies in Queer Literature
Composition and Rhetoric
79000 The Teaching of College Writing: Practicum
79010 Rhetorical and Critical Theory
79020 Composing: Theories and Practices
89000 Studies in Research Methods: Principles and Practices
89010 Studies in Pedagogy and Social Context
89020 Studies in Technology, Literacy, and Pedagogy
Literary and Cultural Theory
70100 Theory Colloquium
80200 Studies in Poetics and Aesthetics
80300 Studies in African American Literary Theory
80400 Studies in Queer Theory
80500 Studies in Feminist and Gender Theory
80600 Studies in Theory
89500 Studies in the History of the Book and Other Media