English 112 Spring 2019

Public Group active 4 years, 11 months ago

English 112 Spring 2019’s Docs Spanglish dictionary


“Pero like” → But like

“Cojelo con take it easy” → Relax/chill out

“Hola Ladies” → Hello ladies

“We go together like cafe con leche” → We go together like coffee with milk

“Compramelo por favor que esta on sale” →  Buy it for me please because it’s on sale

“Ponte vicks” → put vicks/0vaporub

Regular words:

“Marketa” (noun) → supermarket

“Frizado” (adjective) → frozen

“Pari” (noun) → party

“Parque” (verb) → to park

“Cachup” ( noun) *ca-chu* → ketchup

“Rentar” (verb) → to rent  

“Biles” (noun) *Bi-les* → Bills

“Sangweesh”(noun) *san-guwe-sh → Sandwhich

“Lonche”(noun)  → Lunch

“Jamberger’( noun) *ham-ber-ger* → hamburger

“La tapa” ( noun) → the top/ the lid

“konflei” (noun) *kon-fle*  → cornflakes

“Vaporu” (noun) *va-pa-ru* → Vicks/Vaporub