Public Group active 3 months, 4 weeks ago

Digital Studies Group

The Digital Studies Group (DSG) brings together CUNY faculty members, researchers, and doctoral students interested in a broad range of intellectual, cultural, economic, legal, and pedagogical issues related to the growing impact of digital media on the ways we read, think, teach, learn and entertain ourselves in the United States and across the globe. Beginning in fall 2009, the seminar will meet periodically at The CUNY Graduate Center to hear presentations of ongoing digital media research work, to discuss traditional and online texts on digital media issues, and to explore new digital media approaches to cultural production and to questions of teaching and learning.


CFP Social Text Periscope

  • Social Text is currently accepting proposals for Periscope, the journal’s curated web forum of illuminating critical opinion on contemporary political and theoretical affairs. Previous Periscopes have focused on topics as diverse as Queer Suicide, the South African World Cup, and the Copenhagen Climate Summit. Individual essays should be short (approximately 800 – 1,200 words), clear, and punchy; dossiers generally feature from 6 – 12 pieces. A mix of academic, activist and journalist voices is welcome. The aim should be to set up a productive dialogue among contributors around a particular issue or event.

    Check out previous Social Text Periscopes here: Submit your queries and/or proposals to

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