Public Group active 3 days, 14 hours ago

Digital Humanities Initiative

The CUNY Digital Humanities Initiative (CUNY DHI), launched in Fall 2010, aims to build connections and community among those at CUNY who are applying digital technologies to scholarship and pedagogy in the humanities. All are welcome: faculty, students, and technologists, experienced practitioners and beginning DHers, enthusiasts and skeptics.

We meet regularly on- and offline to explore key topics in the Digital Humanities, and share our work, questions, and concerns. See our blog for more information on upcoming events (it’s also where we present our group’s work to a wider audience). Help edit the CUNY Digital Humanities Resource Guide, our first group project. And, of course, join the conversation on the Forum.

Photo credit: Digital Hello by hugoslv on



Upcoming Workshop — Building a Static Website — Fri 3/31 @3PM on Zoom

  • Join us to learn some of the basics for building and hosting a simple website with GitHub and Jekyll! This is a great resource if you want a place to share your CV, research or teaching materials, or blog about your work in a free and low-frills way–where you retain control.

    When & Where: Friday, March 31st, 3:00-4:30PM (on Zoom)

    Learn more and/or register here.

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