Public Group active 1 hour, 21 minutes ago

Digital Humanities Initiative

The CUNY Digital Humanities Initiative (CUNY DHI), launched in Fall 2010, aims to build connections and community among those at CUNY who are applying digital technologies to scholarship and pedagogy in the humanities. All are welcome: faculty, students, and technologists, experienced practitioners and beginning DHers, enthusiasts and skeptics.

We meet regularly on- and offline to explore key topics in the Digital Humanities, and share our work, questions, and concerns. See our blog for more information on upcoming events (it’s also where we present our group’s work to a wider audience). Help edit the CUNY Digital Humanities Resource Guide, our first group project. And, of course, join the conversation on the Forum.

Photo credit: Digital Hello by hugoslv on



Reminder – Tom Scheinfeldt today on One Week | One Tool

  • Not to be missed!!

    Please join CUNY DHI today for Tom Scheinfeldt, “Making Hay: Lessons in Collaboration from One Week | One Tool ” – Mon 11/25, 4:15pm-5:30pm, Skylight Room (9100), Graduate Center, CUNY

    Making Hay: Lessons in Collaboration from One Week | One Tool
    Digital Humanities projects are rarely blessed with abundant, or even
    adequate, resoruces. Staff, skills, equipment, and money are almost
    always tight. The experience of One Week | One Tool
    (, an NEH Institute for Advanced Topics in
    Digital Humanties, demonstrates that time and resource constraints can
    be made to work in a project’s favor. First in 2010 and again in 2013,
    One Week | One Tool brought together a diverse group of academic and
    cultural professionals to conceive, plan, build, and launch an open
    source software tool in only seven days. Despite, or perhaps because
    of, these strict contraints, both groups succeeded in releasing what
    have proved to be extremely well-used tools for humanities research:
    Anthologize and Serendip-o-matic. This talk will explore some of the
    lessons learned from One Week | One Tool for collaboration and project
    management in digital humanities and the academic work at large.

    About the Speaker
    Tom Scheinfeldt is Associate Professor of Digital Media and Design and Director of Digital Humanities in the Digital Media Center at the University of Connecticut. Formerly Managing Director of the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media at George Mason University, Tom has directed several award-winning digital humanities projects, including THATCamp, Omeka, and the September 11 Digital Archive. Trained as an historian of science and public historian with a bachelor’s degree from Harvard and master’s and doctoral degrees from Oxford, Tom has written and lectured extensively about the history of museums and the role of history in culture. Among his publications, Tom is a recent contributor to Debates in Digital Humanities (University of Minnesota Press) and co-editor of Hacking the Academy (University of Michigan Press). Tom blogs about digital humanities and the business of digital humanities at Found History and co-hosts the Digital Campus podcast will his colleagues Dan Cohen, Amanda French, Mills Kelly, and Stephen Robertson. You can follow Tom on Twitter (@foundhistory) and LinkedIn (

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