Public Group active 1 week, 5 days ago

Digital Humanities Initiative

The CUNY Digital Humanities Initiative (CUNY DHI), launched in Fall 2010, aims to build connections and community among those at CUNY who are applying digital technologies to scholarship and pedagogy in the humanities. All are welcome: faculty, students, and technologists, experienced practitioners and beginning DHers, enthusiasts and skeptics.

We meet regularly on- and offline to explore key topics in the Digital Humanities, and share our work, questions, and concerns. See our blog for more information on upcoming events (it’s also where we present our group’s work to a wider audience). Help edit the CUNY Digital Humanities Resource Guide, our first group project. And, of course, join the conversation on the Forum.

Photo credit: Digital Hello by hugoslv on



Does your research entail NYPL’s research collections?

  • Does your research entail NYPL’s research collections? If so, this event on Monday, September 16 (6-8pm) is for you:

    Meet the Curators: An Introduction to NYPL’s Research Collections and Services

    Please join Victoria Steele, Director of Collections Strategy at the New York Public Library, and curators and librarians from NYPL’s general and special collections at the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building, the Library for the Performing Arts, and the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, for a discussion of collections and services available to students, faculty, and staff of the CUNY Graduate Center.

    Monday, September 16th, 2013
    6:00 to 8:00pm
    Skylight Room, 9th floor
    Graduate Center
    RSVP to [email protected]

    Sponsored by The Graduate Center Library

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  • I am in class at that time…..anyway to reply via youtube or other media. Will this program be repeated?


    Hi Lindsey,

    The event will be recorded and live streamed, I assume the video will be available for viewing after the event as well. I’ll be sure to post the url to the library homepage as well as this site.

    thanks for your interest!

    The bottom line is that NYPL wants CUNY students (all of CUNY, not just GC) to think of NYPL as their local library. I think most of the NYPL curators think of this as a presentation/ networking event. The point is to establish personal connections with divisions that you’ll want to use. Whether you can attend the event or not should not matter. If you can’t attend, send an email to the divisions that interest you and set up an appointment to understand what they have and how they can help you. NYPL is a big institution; unlike the circulating library, many things in the research library are not self-evident (and many thousands of things are not even cataloged).

    Learning how to build a relationship with a library and library staff is an essential research skill: Here’s your opportunity to start working on it.

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