Public Group active 6 months ago

CUNY Technology Group

This is a group for all members of the CUNY community who are interested in technology and its use in academic research and teaching.



Boilerplate Announcement for the Commons

  • Hi Everyone,

    Bruce Naples recently asked me for a boilerplate invitation to the Commons that can be sent out to people at individual campuses. Below, please find an edited version of an email that George Otte recently sent out to CUNY iTunes participants. Please feel free to adapt it for your own uses:

    I want to reiterate my offer, made to those of you who were there or had called in to the meeting yesterday: I suggested that, however often however many of you convene to discuss iTunes U in CUNY, you probably want some way of connecting up online, and I suggested, as a possible way to do that, the CUNY Academic Commons, which I know some of you already know about. It’s still in beta, but we are inviting people in slowly (for the time being, only tech savvy folk, since we’re waiting to set up help and documentation, which we plan to do via screencasts, until we do a redesign of the homepage, something we are just now getting around to).

    You do not need to log in to the Commons to see much of what is there, but you do need to log in to participate. Once you have logged in, you you can create new groups from your profile page. Groups can be public, private, or hidden. The inbetween option (private) means that you have to be invited to participate (or, if you’re not invited, have to ask to be accepted to the group). The group forums use RSS (so you can push out posts to the membership if you like), and you can also do group blogging and wikiwork, all via a single login.

    It’s up to you, but the option is there if you like, and use of the Commons by your group would certainly fit the mission statement (see below).

    The relevant links:

    The CUNY Academic Commons home page

    The Mission Statement for the CUNY Academic Commons

    The sign-up

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