Public Group active 7 months ago

CUNY Technology Group

This is a group for all members of the CUNY community who are interested in technology and its use in academic research and teaching.



Announcement by Mary Carroll on 5/8/10

  • I have finally gotten WIMBA pronto going in my two online classes this semester. However, I have failed to make good use of it. Instead, I find myself dodging students who log in and want to talk to me, either through texting, audio or (ugh!) video, at inopportune times for me. I feel invaded. I know what I have to do; I just haven't gotten it together this semester. I need this summer to lay out an agenda for my onlines. E.g. "I will be available on Pronto on Tuesdays and Thursday from 8 to 10 p.m. for anyone who wants to talk." Another way of using it that I must get going is one-to-one meetings with students, as in the office hours of the F2F classroom milieu.

    What I didn't count on with Pronto was the increased pressure to be there at all times for my online students. That is NOT a good thing. We onliners already put in more hours than in a F2F class. So, as I said, I have to put in the controls.

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