The CUNY History Project team will coordinate, collect, organize, and present material to facilitate the study and understanding of this unique institution and its local and global significance.
Betwyll is a social reading app, developed by an Italian startup in 2016. It relies on interactivity and participation by allowing people to read and comment on texts with brief messages (140 characters long). On Betwyll, people read a text and comment on it by publishing messages that are shared with the other users. Betwyll is designed for mobile devices and it is free to download from App Store and Google Play
Join Iuri Moscardi (PhD in Comparative Literature at CUNY Graduate Center) in this workshop, part of the 2020 NYC Digital Humanities Week, which shows the pedagogical potential of Betwyll as a tool to teach and learn languages and literatures: see, for instance, how it has been employed in universities like Harvard, Indiana, Hunter College, and Toronto.
DATE & TIME: Thursday 6 February, 1-3pm
LOCATION: The Graduate Center, room 5307
– download Betwyll on your mobile device.