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Bronx CUNY EdTech Showcase 2014 –
Held this year at Bronx Community College on Friday, May 9th
The members of the Bronx EdTech Showcase committee welcome you to join the three Bronx CUNY colleges for a very special opportunity to attend our EdTech Showcase highlighting effective online and hybrid practices; Lehman, Hostos and Bronx Community College faculty and staff will demonstrate their exemplary models for integrating and infusing technology into their hybrid, fully online and traditional teaching methods.
This year’s keynote is CUNYs own George Otte, University Director of Academic Technology and Chief Academic Officer of the School of Professional Studies. Keynote begins 10 am.
Conference registration is now ongoing! Plan to stay the day to appreciate the breadth of our offerings which will include a panel discussing and presenting student ePortfolio projects, and an interactive gaming panel to promote and discuss CUNYs latest game-based pedagogies, simulations and other forms of interactive teaching in higher education.
Those registering online early are guaranteed lunch. We’ll have some of the best tools, gadgets and door prizes like an iPad mini, eBook kindles, camtasia software and gift cards to cap it all off!
Bronx CUNY EdTech Showcase
Bronx Community College: Hall of Fame Playhouse
Friday, May 9th, 2014
Breakfast and registration begins at 9:15 am
Program begins promptly at 9:45 am.
Early registrants are guaranteed lunch
(if requested at time of online registration)