Public Group active 1 week, 3 days ago

Centers for Teaching and Learning (CTL’s)

Group for directors of CUNY Centers for Teaching and Learning, and others interested in pedagogy and faculty development.



CUNY Academic Commons–CTL Directors Resource

  • Dear CTL Directors—

    We had a very informative meeting today (Friday, September 16th) at the Graduate Center where Karrin Wilkes asked each of the attendees to discuss a new or exciting development at our respective Centers. Even with many directors being absent from this meeting, this discussion took the better part of the 2- hour time period we had to meet. Considering we meet twice per semester for a total of 4 hours, out meeting time is quite limited. I suggested that we could use the CUNY Academic Commons to post interesting programs, new initiatives, updates and resources that other Center directors might be interested in. This would save time at our meetings (where we can reference a link or post that we made) for items critical to future planning and collaborations.

    It should be noted that each time someone posts to the CTL group in the Academic Commons, an email is sent to all registered members of that group. There is no need to immediately act on that email, and only the subject line will be displayed. You may also turn off the email notification feature if you find it too burdensome, and just check the group page from time to time. So there is little down-side in this process.

    This past summer I met with half a dozen CTL directors at CCNY, and was really impressed with the ideas and enthusiasm of our group. We have very talented directors, and I feel the Academic Commons may be an important forum by which we can help each other by sharing our expertise. So please feel free to share items like:
    • new approaches to faculty development;
    • good ideas for workshops;
    • links to your CTL calendar or specific web pages;
    • updates on good speakers and conferences; and
    • general questions, musings or insights.

    So please, if you haven’t already, register to join the CUNY Academic Commons, and if you could, share an occasional post or two. The greater CUNY Centers for Teaching and Learning community can be greatly enhanced by this process….Bruce

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