We invite you to join the AAEEBL Research Committee, chaired by Dr. Helen Chen at Stanford University in California, US. This invitation is being extended in the US and internationally only to those with institutional or individual AAEEBL membership affiliation. Please also forward this Call to graduate students on your campus who you think would be both qualified and interested.
AAEEBL is creating sub-committees within the Research Committee and invites members to submit applications to increase capacity of the committee. We hope to grow the Committee with those who are interested in working on the specified areas below and also in developing a research agenda based on a research strategy with the Committee as a whole.
The sub-committees will work in these three areas:
1. AAEEBL annual survey — AAEEBL surveys its constituency each year and shares a report generated from the survey with the membership. (The current year’s report is being finalized for distribution). The sub-committee is led by experts in creating survey instruments and in analysis of data.
2. International Reference Group (IRG) — AAEEBL is collaborating with an EU project that is planned to continue over the next few years. Some members of this group will also be involved with a FIPSE project just finishing its first year (AAEEBL is also helping to lead this project). An IRG does not share in funding from the projects but instead assists projects to extend impact through across-the-borders collaboration and also to benefit from that collaboration.
3. AAEEBL-based grant projects — This group will generate a funded project directed by AAEEBL, a non-profit professional association. Members of this group may include their own home institutions in the grant proposals we generate.
The number of members who join the committee will be limited. We now have 5 charter members of the Committee and will add 10 new members. We must limit the number of members who can join the committee. The applications to join the Committee will be reviewed by the AAEEBL executive team and will be evaluated based on the alignment of the applicant’s skills, interests, and background with the three stated research priorities and the applicant’s developing research interests. Follow up interviews may also be conducted. We particularly welcome applications from graduate students with an interest in studying these issues and backgrounds in qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research.
AAEEBL and the eportfolio community can grow in knowledge and agency through the work of the Research Committee. I urge you to consider applying to be on the Research Committee by submitting the application below.
Application to join the AAEEBL Research Committee
(send a separate file, if you prefer):
Please reply to all questions below:
1. Your name, title, contact information and institutional affiliation:
2. Your preferred sub-committee (please check all that apply):
a. Survey
b. IRG
c. Grant proposals and projects – Feel free to share your ideas briefly here.
3. Please discuss your interests and reasons for wanting to join the AAEEBL Research Committee:
4. Summarize your previous research work and attach a resumé.
5. How will this work align with your own research interests and goals?
Send your application and additional materials to [email protected] .