Public Group active 8 years, 11 months ago

CAT ePortfolio Subcommittee

Members of the Committee on Academic Technology ePortfolio Sub-Committee


AAEEBL Conference

  • Hello to friends and colleagues!

    The deadline is nearing for AAEEBL’s call for proposals. Our Annual ePortfolio Conference in Boston, co-located with Campus Technology at the Hynes Convention Center, is our premier conference each year. To appear on the AAEEBL Annual Conference program along with keynote speakers Randy Bass, Bret Eynon, Helen Chen, Gary Brown and Tracy Penny-Light is an honor indeed.

    Please submit your proposal now online, using our simple online form with guiding questions. The full CFP is available for you to read and to aid you in planning before you start the actual proposal process. The full CFP is also downloadable as a PDF, and it is meant to answer questions and provide assistance, not to bog you down — Use it if it’s helpful. We offer a number of engaging tracks for everyone from beginners with eportfolios to experts. The full track descriptions are provided to give you ideas only, not to limit you.

    The Program Committee will start reviewing proposals next month. Be sure to get your proposal in by the February 15 deadline. You may expect notification about your proposal by mid-March.

    AAEEBL and Campus Technology share an exhibit hall with hundreds of vendor booths, some of whom are AAEEBL Corporate Affiliates. The Annual Conference, then, provides both ideas for using eportfolios effectively and, in the exhibit hall, a place to see how the various eportfolio technologies work.

    I hope to see you in Boston July 29-August 1, 2013. Please say hello.

    All best,


    PS Download a PDF conference flyer to share with colleagues. We sent one recently, but unfortunately, the links were not live. This issue has been corrected. Thanks for your help in spreading the word!

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