Public Group active 8 years, 10 months ago

CAT ePortfolio Subcommittee

Members of the Committee on Academic Technology ePortfolio Sub-Committee


AAEEBL Conference: “ePortfolios & the Emergent Learning Ecology”

  • AAEEBL 2010 Proposal Submission:

    July 19-22, 2010, Seaport Hotel and Seaport World Trade Center, co-located with Campus Technology, as a separate conference.

    The Association for Authentic and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL), the professional association for the world ePortfolio community, is hosting the very first international conference for the world ePortfolio community held in the United States. Many of the world’s prominent ePortfolio leaders, researchers, practitioners, implementers, and vendors will be under one roof for the first time.

    Co-hosted by the Association for American Colleges and Universities and The Making Connections Project this is the place to be: a true watershed event as the world ePortfolio movement gains momentum.

    Between the two conferences, we expect about 1,500 attendees, all with interests in educational technology.

    CUNY Colleges are now poised to contribute to the conference by submitting papers. Judit Torok of LaGuardia Community College is Co-Chairing the Conference. Other CAT ePortfolio Subcommittee members, yours truly (Barbara Walters) and Bruce Naples of Queensborough Community College als serve on the Program Committee. Featured speakers include Bret Eynon of LaGuardia Community College.

    We might use this forum as a place to coordinate and share plans.

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  • Thanks for posting this, Barbara! I have submitted two proposals already (one for a half-day nuts and bolts workshop, and one for a more teaching/learning-oriented regular session). I really hope they get accepted. I just returned from the NERCOMP conference–Again and again I encountered huge levels of interest in all options for eportfolios, particularly those which maximize flexibility and which are low-cost.

    I talked up this conference at every opportunity! (And Trent Batson was there, too, and I’m sure he did the same).

    It would be great to have a huge CUNY presence there, and I’d love to hear what others are planning and explore possible convergences.

    We are going to have a team of three from Medgar there. I don’t think that we will be presenting, as we have just started in the Making Connections group this semester and we don’t have a lot to say yet. We will be there to learn.

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