Public Group active 2 months, 1 week ago

Applied Digital Sociology

This is a place for current students in the master’s degree program in Applied Digital Sociology at Hunter College to receive important updates and to learn about internships, conferences and about exciting new job opportunities.


Qualitative Interviewer/Temporary and Remote: Deadline 12 March 2024

  • Qualitative Interviewer/Temporary and Remote

    Duties and Essential Job Functions

    The successful candidate will assist the Comparative Disinformation Project team, led by Dr. Jen Schradie, at CRIS (Center for Research on Social Inequalities) at Sciences Po Paris. This position is based in the United States.

    Tasks include (though not limited to) the following:

    ·  Conduct in-depth qualitative online interviews with pre-selected respondents

    ·  Write fieldnotes based on the interviews

    ·  Coordinate, organize, and send interview files, respecting anonymity and confidentiality

    ·  Participate in trainings, meetings, and other types of communication


    Required Qualifications

    ·  Demonstrated past experience and formal training in conducting sociological interviews

    ·  Can implement semi-structured interviewing techniques, like trust-building and probing

    ·  Ability to work independently and is a self-starter

    ·  Experience with collaborations and working in teams

    ·  Communication skills on all levels (in-person, phone, online)

    ·  Good time management skills

    ·  Attention to detail

    ·  Fluent in English


    Additional Requirements

    ·  Have at the minimum a masters degree in sociology, communication, or related field. PhD students (and beyond) are also welcome to apply

    ·  Must be generally available and flexible for training and interviews during the times outlined below

    ·  Must be available for some morning meeting times if based in the U.S. (given time zone difference with France)

    ·  Must have a quiet, private, and digitally connected space available for interviews


    Start date and length of contract

    ·  During a 10-week period in the spring (tentatively starting mid-April)

    ·  Total of 120-170 hours, depending on the final number of respondents/interview lengths

    ·  20 hours per week at the minimum, but we will negotiate based on the candidate’s circumstances


    Position and Compensation

    Sciences Po will pay between 25 and 35 dollars per hour, depending on the candidate’s previous experience. A service agreement will be signed between the parties.


    Additional information

    To apply, please submit a cover letter and CV, as well as three references (name, title, email, and phone number) by filling this online form.

    Deadline:  9am, 12 March 2024.

    Contact: Alexia Vallenas Wiesse: [email protected]


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