Public Group active 2 months, 1 week ago

Applied Digital Sociology

This is a place for current students in the master’s degree program in Applied Digital Sociology at Hunter College to receive important updates and to learn about internships, conferences and about exciting new job opportunities.


INVITATION to a Wikipedia Hackathon w/ British Digital Sociologists

  • I just received this invitation below from colleagues in the British Digital Sociology Association, led by Mark Carrigan.

    *You* ~ students in this program ~ are the *experts* in this area and you should be involved in claiming and creating knowledge on Wikipedia. New to doing a Wikipedia hackathon? Fear not, read & learn about them here, and join us!

    Open to all: current, new, alums and recent grads.



    As some of you may be aware, the fledgling “Digital Sociology” page on Wikipedia was recently merged into the “Sociology of the Internet” page. This decision fails to recognize digital sociology as the distinct interdisciplinary field that it is.

    In response, a Wikipedia Hackathon is being organized at the University of Edinburgh on February 1st from 1-4pmUK/8am-12pmNYC.

    The goal is to create an accurate, thorough, and properly sourced page reflecting unique perspectives in digital sociology research and methodology.

    We need the community’s input to make this a success! If you have expertise related to:

    • Key figures/thinkers in digital sociology
    • Core theories and concepts
    • Distinct methodological approaches
    • Areas of focus such as digital inequalities, identity, communities etc.

    Then we welcome you to attend the event or contribute ideas for article content. Let your networks know as well!

    We hope to see some of you in person or online.

    Register here:


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