Proposals are invited for this year’s CUE Conference: Learning Inside and Outside the Classroom. The deadline for submissions has been extended to March 10, 2014.
To submit a proposal please see:
The premise of this year’s CUE Conference, featuring keynote speaker Dr. George Kuh, is a comprehensive and holistic definition of learning which integrates academic achievement and student development. Seen in this light, students combine cognitive, emotional, and experiential elements into greater knowledge, maturity, and judgment as they progress through their college careers. As recognition of this interdependence has grown in higher education, many institutions have sought to engage the whole campus in a common effort to educate the “whole student”. How do we define and organize our work to meet this goal? How can we connect the “silos” which too often contain and limit our efforts? How do we assess these efforts, and how can our assessments encourage further integrative initiatives?
Proposals are invited which address these questions through examples of curricular innovation and/or institutional collaboration. The conference will provide an opportunity to bring together faculty and staff from across the university to share programs and practices which build on this integrative idea along any of the following tracks:
* First-Year Programming
* Advisement and Student Support Services
* Co-curricular Learning: Experiential and Service
* Bridging Cognitive and Affective Learning
* Faculty-Student Collaborations
* Encouraging Transfer: Curricula and Support Services
* Capstone Courses and Career Preparation
For more information, please visit the 2014 CUE Conference website at or email [email protected] .